
DINZ德网 | OEO Studio · 充满谦逊感的东京北欧风情公寓

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2023-01-20





 OEO Studio


OEO Studio完成了位于日本东京市中心的Opus Arisugawa的豪华公寓改造。该项目与日本房地产开发商瑞比塔(Rebita)密切合作,是对工艺一种致敬。

OEO Studio has completed a renovation of a luxury apartment at the Opus Arisugawa Terrace & Residence in central Tokyo, Japan. Working in close collaboration with Japanese property developer Rebita, the project is a compelling and sophisticated tribute to craftsmanship and endurance. 室内设计反映了日本和斯堪的纳维亚设计风格的融合,从两种文化中汲取灵感,并以新的方式重新诠释它们。呈现一个具有识别度和高品质的家,呈现舒适居住氛围。The interiors reflect a cross-pollination of Japanese and Scandinavian design, drawing on inspiration from both cultures and reinterpreting them in new ways. The result is a discerning and quality-conscious home that combines the comfort of the familiar with a Nordic touch. 


A sculpturally shaped rammed-earth wall offers a textural sense of arrival. Representing a centuries-old technique, the effect creates the illusion of bringing the outdoors inside. Deep blue indigo floor tiles line the floors, showcasing a startling level of craftsmanship from the get-go, leading to rugs made of paper yarn from Finnish birch. 


The hallway leads directly into the living room where there is a natural transition from the paper rugs to an inlay of stone, which in turn leads onto a wooden floor in the adjacent room when stepping through a refined louvre wall that can be opened or closed for privacy—as always with OEO, it’s all in the details. 

墙面使用的日本大矢石(Oya Stone)覆盖,其独特斑点肌理,有着微妙的绿色调,强调了生活区和开放式厨房之间的自然分区。

With its subtle greenish tone, the Japanese Oya stone used on the columns emphasises the natural zoning between the living area and the open kitchen. 

使用的家具品牌包括Gubi、Stellar Works和Brdr. Krüger,芬兰艺术家Jaakko Mattila定制的设计家具和丹麦摄影师Søren Rønholt的艺术装饰画。

Not skimping on the furnishing pieces can be found from Gubi, Stellar Works and Brdr. Krüger alongside custom-made design furniture and curated wall artworks by Finnish artist Jaakko Mattila and Danish photographer Søren Rønholt. 

Frank Lloyd Wright的烟熏黑色Taliesin落地灯的灯盒以交替的垂直角度附着在灯杆上。这使得落地灯的光源不会直射人眼,并且光线也非常柔和。

厨房由其长期合作伙伴、橱柜制造商Garde Hvalsöe在丹麦制作。厨房自然地融入到餐厅空间中,再次为温暖和自然的材料提供了光线。

The kitchen is designed by OEO Studio and crafted in Denmark by their long-time collaborator, cabinet and kitchen maker Garde Hvalsøe. The kitchen blends naturally into the dining space, once again giving light to warm and natural materials. 

餐桌椅出自OEO Studio的设计JARI系列取名自日语单词“pebbles”,意思是“鹅卵石” ,最初是为东京的餐厅INUA设计的。该系列从天然海滩鹅卵石中汲取灵感,柔软而微妙的不对称形状是JARI系列的特色。像日本禅宗花园一样,JARI旨在反映自然的简化版本,并为平静和永恒的感觉创造空间。

卧室家具品牌包含Karakter、Brdr. Krüger、Stellar Works和Fritz Hansen。

The bedrooms are adorned with custom-made furniture from brands including Karakter, Brdr. Krüger, Stellar Works and Fritz Hansen. 

P24躺椅由Poul Kjærholm于1956年为品牌Fritz Hansen设计。Kjærholm从洛可可时期和法国躺椅中汲取灵感,用钢来支撑这一曲线流动的外形。Kjærholm也将这把椅子标记为“吊床椅”,来强调它通过将身体悬挂在两点之间来发挥作用。

Shoji 屏风的镂空框架 

Salvatori 雕刻的石头镂空盆 


The adjacent bathrooms are rendered with complementary stonework and wooden cabinetry and one bathroom even offers a delicate bathtub made of Hinoki wood. 

OEO Studio

OEO Studio是一家总部位于哥本哈根的跨学科设计工作室,成立于2003年,办公空间位于日本东京市中心。工作领域包括产品设计、住宅建筑、酒店、商业室内设计、创意方向和设计策略。




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