
首发 | 象蝶设计 · 黑色海洋

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



The project is located in Tongxiang of Zhejiang. Considering good vision and views from private rooms in the original restaurant, the owner hoped to transform and upgrade the interior on the premise of keeping private rooms and the logistics office in their original positions and retaining outdoor greenbelts.

手绘概念 Sketch

捏土造器,器的本质不在是土,而在它中产生了“无”的空间。Though made from earth, earthenware is not earth in essence, but the “empty” space generated inside.  空间的围是这次设计的出发点。Spatial dimensions are where the design started.



Starting from characteristics of separate spaces, a space can be regular or irregular, show a tough or soft expression, and coexist with other spaces. 

在满足业主的需求下,通过纤薄的黑色钢板结构制造出多一层的交通空间,提供餐厅独立的行政动线。钢板上开出的洞口,增加韵律感。行政通道和规则的长方形用餐大厅之间,置入两个类似圆形的空间区域,表皮均为灰色的水磨石,弧形墙面阳角在不规则角度的情况下显得纤细,和本身石材的厚重感形成对比。To meet the demands of the owner, another traffic space is created with a structure made of thin black steel plates, to provide an independent administrative circulation. The holes opened in steel plates add a rhythmic feel. Between the administrative passage and the regular rectangular dining hall, two nearly circular zones are arranged, of which surfaces are both grey terrazzo and external corners of arc walls appear slender at irregular angles, forming a contrast with the thick and heavy feel of stone. 

| 餐厅外观,External View

| 项目概览,Preview

| 纤细的墙体阳角,拉开空间层次,Spatial Corridor

| 黑色通道,Black Hallway

| 圆形用餐区,circular dining area

| 圆形和方形空间连接,circular and square Spaces are connected

| 半开放式用餐区,interior of the semi-private room

| 室内一角,a corner of the interior space


Through the dining hall, the passage to private rooms is composed of an irregular arc wall and the mass of table tops for meal preparations, and the entrance to each private room is deliberately moved slightly inside, to leave a buffer space and thus generate spatial rhythms.

| 红色的空间构成,red space composition

| 用餐区,interior dining space

| 现场制作的调料台及餐桌,the table made on site

| 黑色体块下的卡座,the black block

| 走廊,corridor

| 包厢入口,entry


As for feelings in the space, it is not only enclosed but also designed to control light and view. The black steel administrative passage added to the space is intentionally shielded from some natural light, in the hope of setting off the spatial atmosphere in a dark tone; the original dim passage is built with glass bricks, to make outdoor views and light faintly discernible through private rooms. 

| 红色展台在室内点缀,red booths dot the interior

| 走廊看向包厢,view from the corridor to the private room

| 私宴包厢1,compartments for private dining

| 竖向肌理增加空间层次,metope texture

| 私宴包厢2,compartments for private dining

| 私宴包厢3,compartments for private dinin


The combination of interest and the space comes from two-dimensional graphic illustration design, which is similar to painting on white paper but different in media. The black ocean on the screen at the entrance and fishes on the light curtain in the passage present different visual experiences, while highlighting the theme of the restaurant.

| 带有等候的点单区,order area

| 走道上的鱼,fish in the corridor

| 边几细部,closer view to the table

| 边几上的石材,details

| 备餐柜细部,details of cabinet preparation

| 包厢装饰,decoration

餐桌细部图纸,table detail drawing


项目名称 | 酩悦海鲜餐厅

Project name | Mingyue Seafood restaurant Design

项目地址 | 浙江桐乡

Project address | Tongxiang Zhejiang

建筑面积 | 600m²

Gross Built Area | 600m²

总设计师 | 杨韬 蒋蒋

Chief Designer | Yang Tao Jiang Jiang

插画设计师 | ZAMI

Illustration Designer | ZAMI

项目摄影 | 谭啸 康超凡

Project photography | TanXiao Kang Chao Fan

杨韬 / Yang Tao


象 蝶 设 计 近 期 案 例

DS Salon



DINZ 德 网 近 期 热 文

GND恩嘉设计 | 卓越·滇池晴翠

集艾设计 | 南通万科常春藤

本位设计 | 老板集团安泊家居营销中心

赛拉维 | 融创至和雅颂

