
首发 | 遇见美学设计 · 而然

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


| 建筑日与夜,day view and night view

| 建筑外观,exterior view


As Herbert A. Simon said: The so-called design is to be able to find a way to improve the status quo. While choosing a new workplace, try to find like-minded friends through design, learn from each other and make progress. In this way, the design-filled emerging industrial park has become an excellent destination for our office.



Raner is located in Jiangsu Changzhou Blue Science and Technology Creative Industrial Park. Blue park used to be Changzhou Leather Machinery General Factory. As a cultural relic of various periods in the city, the old building records the vicissitudes of a city and the accumulation of urban history and the condensation of culture. In recent years, on the basis of retaining the old buildings, the whole park integrates modern elements to create a blue science and technology cultural creative empty questioning platform that is re-creative, reused and rich in humanistic background.


| 楼梯间,stair well

The work interprets and understands the deconstructivism architectural form, disrupts the original house order, breaks the tedious decoration, makes the whole architectural landscape have an impact on the sensory perspective of the human body, and shows the designer's unique innovation and aesthetic ability.

| 引入植物,Introduce plants

| 水泥柱,cement column

| 下沉式休息区,sunken rest area


Enclosed architectural space in the reception area, the water bar is set at the entrance to create a comfortable reception area, which lays the fundamental tone for the overall spatial pattern. The interior space adopts micro-cement technology to achieve the integrated effect of the top surface, wall and ground. The level scattered at random forms a visual difference that interprets the expression of the individual architectural design effect of the interior space . Low saturation color system will leave the whole white, overlapping natural light and shadow, forming a minimalist and rich texture, to provide a new way of thinking and expression for the design.


The whole space sets off people ,nature and place, the integration of you and me inside and outside, allows light, rain, wind and dew, and air to penetrate each other without the help of external force, and the charm is vivid. Without whitewashing, without sculpting, just relying on nature, let nature become natural.

| 洽谈室,negotiation room



Spaces with different attributes are connected in series and flowing with each other

| 室内细节,interior detailed view


The famous architect F.L Wright said that‘Architecture is a kind of social art form.’ The space of liquidity into architecture, abandon the construction of the main structure of the traditional fixed weight feeling, the pursuit of liquidity, each independent space and blend with each other, the division of functions and is not a traditional streamline organization, is under the constraint of space order, streamline and space no longer presents the traditional continuity, but the discontinuity of the "debris".


Discontinuity does not mean that the internal space is chaotic and disorderly. It is alive in the form of flowing water. Ancient scholars always drink wine and compose poems by flowing wine bottles with curved water. The sense of dislocation in the separated and inseparable space presents a kind of rationality, which transforms the space and breaks the traditional two-way stair structure to connect with each other and complement each other.

| 内部全景,Internal panoramic


Use glass door removal at the entrance,through the glass, can view with space stretching outwards, the performance of the glass structure of the building space tension diversification, supporting the integrity of the structure, it will be a whole space in the traditional inherent thought liberation, along the element static follow the change of light and shadow can enjoy to the wall of the soft hazy light, the building space form, color, structure, lighting design clever confluence, In the space, the body and mind tend to be calm, reflecting the unique charm and orderly beauty of the building.


Use more lines indoors,lines, the material carrier of architectural aesthetics, are simplified into complex, and rigid lines are used to create soft Spaces. Such layout lines replace language expression. Contoured lines create visual connections, straight or tortuous, to express soft and quiet thoughts and emotions. The color changes of cold and warm, bright and dark lighting in different positions make the space show different sparks.

[ 滑动查看平面图 ]

项目名称 | 而然

Project Name | Raner

项目地址 | 中国江苏常州

Location | Changzhou,Jiangsu,China

设计单位 | 上海遇见美学设计事务所

Design Company | Shanghai Meet Aesthetic Design

主案设计师 | 贾玲利

Chief Designer | Lily Allen

辅助设计师 | 贾姗姗 林波 李云

Assistant Designer | Jucy, BOBO,Vicky

项目面积 | 420㎡

Area | 420 suqare meters

项目造价 | 100万人民币

Cost | One million yuan.

设计起止日期 | 2020.10.06——2021.11.06

Design Cycle | October Sixth,2020 to November Sixth,2021

完工时间 | 2021.07.06

Completion time | July Sixth,2021

主要材料 | 微水泥,木作 ,金属 ,铁件

Main Materials | Micro,Woodwork,Metal,Iron parts

项目摄影 | ingallery(丛林)

Photographer | ingallery

主案设计 / 贾玲利



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