
Puil Design | 仰望天空 浩瀚星海

璞丽设计官方授权 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



The flexible use of points, lines and surfaces creates a transparent and rigorous environment for the space.


Xijiang Ruifu Marketing Center is located in Pukou District, Nanjing. In the modern architecture, there is a mutual accommodation between bustling commercial vision and humanity.


From the entrance hall, ivory cement stone and jazz white marble front desk will explain the space tone


On the control of the sand table space elements, the lamps in the form of disc combination are arranged in a circle and a circle, overlapping and overlapping above the sand table

 洽谈区 Discuss the area

 深度洽谈区 Discuss the area


Into the in-depth negotiation area, open modernist approach blend natural materials, space color clean, simple, distinct.


The water bar area focuses on creating atmosphere and scale, with a deep feeling of coagulation in stability. The frame line of bottle body and metal line recombination echo render the low luxury style of the bar area.

 VIP室 VIP Room

 公区标准化大堂 Public area lobby

 样板房展示 Model room display

 客餐厅 Living room


Quietly elegant grey tone jumps out the ornament of orange, the space of Hong Kong type style shows the pursuit of quality of life.


Master lie chooses articles for use strictly, in the unity of gray tone, soft outfit extends the downy atmosphere of the space to lamps and lanterns, adornment and cloth art live in, the life breath that is in harmony contemporary life style and art is in one room.


The rich and retro acoustics of the second lying soft outfit increase the quality and fashion sense of the whole space.


The children's room of space theme shows the interest of space.


 客餐厅 Living room


At first glance, the expression and charm of the whole space are reflected in the eyes and engraved in the brain, which evokes unique sensory experience. The purity of green and white cooperates the simple bright that shows small family model.


Master bedroom match color is gentle and comfortable, giving the space with green.


The study USES the theme of musical record form, when sunshine is aspersed into wave on the window, intense individual colour and full-bodied artistic breath are born naturally.

项目名称 | 西江瑞府营销中心

项目地点 | 南京

甲方信息 | 招商蛇口南京公司

软装单位 | Puli Design 璞丽设计

创意总监 | 沈杰

设计总监 | 陆颖

主创团队 | 雷怡雯 杨进 

项目摄影 | 郑焰

家具品牌 | Docle Casa

Puli Design 是业内领先的以创新为驱动的空间美学设计机构,专注于为地产售楼处,样板房,酒店会所,高端私人住宅等空间提供专业高效优质的整体一站式设计与定制服务。

璞 丽 设 计 案 例 推 荐



DINZ 近 期 热 文


勒 · 柯布西耶 / 最后的建筑

OMA / 度假酒店变身社区文化空间
BCHO / 在地平线之下,拥抱大海

   Studio XM / 极简静谧的“私密庇护所”

