
RMA | 重新定义未来办公空间

共和都市官方授权 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



Changes in the office environment often depend on changes in the city.


And when we talk about the future, we first need to understand the past.


In the mid-19th century, the dark accounting houses drew attention to the concept of office; in the 1980s, the use of modular bezels sprung up between blocks; and in the 1990s and early 2000s, open-plan office spacegradually replaced the traditional form of office that once advocated efficiency;
The development of science and technology is forcing us to make changes in the office environment, and it will take us into the next revolution. The old office days of a set of fixed tables and chairs per person are out of date, and many companies have adopted a multi-functional office environment designed to accommodate different office needs.
著名设计企业Gensler公司的Johnathan Sandler称:“这是一场彻底的变革。”

"It's a radical change, " says Johnathan Sandler of Gensler, a well-known design firm. "

RMA OFFICE 的诞生代表的是一个重要的里程碑,同时是一个新时代的审美与品位。设计团队潜心探索设计的无限可能性,用前卫的想法将过去的传统的办公需求与未来现代化相结合,不断碰撞后产生出新的极富生命力的办公空间。

RMA OFFICE The birth represents an important milestone, but also a new era of aesthetics and taste. The design team explores the infinite possibilities of design, combining the traditional office needs of the past with the modernization of the future with avant-garde ideas, and constantly colliding to produce new and vibrant office space.


The overall office space continues the business temperament and spirit of CBD architecture, discarding the excess decoration, adopting minimalist design techniques, and allowing artistic elements to blend with space to create a new office experience. 1000 square meters of office space around the core barrel by the office area, conference room, the president's office three parts. This is a different space area designed to adapt to the development of the company's organizational structure to meet the anticipated needs of the company's development in space demands over the next five years.


The City Living Room, in addition to meeting the daily office needs, is also a private area for guests and receptions. Art installations do not appear sudden in a very clean and rigid space, but strengthen the dynamics in the spatial vision, and the occasional taste gives the space more imagination possibilities. The ultimate unique texture and comfort experience brought by internationally renowned home brands such as B-B, MDF, FLEXFORM, MAXALTO, etc., enhances the temperament and air of the entire space, and is rich in high-level feeling.


At the top of the space, the mirror material reflection, so that the space has been extended, overlapping echo, creating a multidimensional visual effect. At the same time break the stereotype of the office, with a spacious and open hospitality area, level, texture, beauty, functionality, rich and thick.


Office space can also carry the social space attributes, completely subvertthed the traditional office single practicality, the art into the simple daily, is the soul of the office space.


The conference room is like a variation of playing melody throughout the space. This is a space that is unfettered and breaks traditional rules. We put a white stainless steel sphere art installation in the space, just like an interstellar spaceship coming here, full of infinite imagination and mystery. The sphere can carry the conventional conference requirements, including a 4.8M × 2.7M giant LED screen and multimedia equipment embedded in it.

艺术装置结构 / Art installation Structure


Based on the situation that there are multiple working groups in the office and the group members need to work at the same time. This area is designed to provide a shared space that can be used simultaneously. On the other hand, we also hope to create an office space where people can truly relax and work freely.


The staff office area is the most frequently used area, and it is also where our design works are produced. The design principle of this area is to create an efficient open office space. We broke the restrictions of the grid office and encouraged employees to communicate more during the work.

空间的质量,在于它支持各种各样的交流互动。多功能的空间让工作不再乏味。在这里,创意想法可以自由的产生,同时还增加了工作效率,使员工能更积极的交流。RMA OFFICE的诞生,不仅解决了工作空间的共享,而且重塑在此情景中的人际关系与社交网络。

The quality of a space is that it can support various activities. The versatile space makes work no longer boring. Here, creative ideas can be freely generated, while also increasing work efficiency and enabling employees to communicate more actively. The birth of the RMA office not only solved the sharing of workspace, but also reshaped the interpersonal relationship and social network in this scenario.

施工现场记录 / Construction Site Record

功能分区 / Functional partition

局部 / Local

平面图 / Floor plan

项目名称 | 共和都市 办公室
Project Name | RMA OFFICE
项目地点 | 广州珠江新城IFC41F
Location | Guangzhou Pearl River New Town IFC41f
设计面积 | 1000m²
Design area | 1000m²
设计时间 | 二零一九年 三月
Design Time | March 2019
竣工时间 | 二零一九年十月
Completion Time | October 2019
主案设计 | 黄永才 共和都市
Interior Design | Ray Wong RMA 
摄      影 | 覃昭量
Photography | Jack Qin 
视      频 | 李童
灯光设计 | 石客照明
Lighting design | SIKI 
艺术装置  | 史金淞
Art installations | Sgin
主材供应商 | 大皇蜂不锈钢制品、木里木外、无形间、劳斯、优合办公家具

创始人 / 创意总监 / 黄永才

他从不定义自己是设计师,而更像是一个生活的观察者,空间的导演。在“ 标准化 ”“模仿”成风的设计江湖,他先锋性、原创性的设计却能同时带来艺术般的感官刺激和巨大的商业成功。转型设计师5年,拿下近八十多个国内外大奖,成为先锋原创性设计鬼才。

He never defines himself as a designer, but more like a life observer, a space director. In the design of “standardization” and “imitation”, his pioneering and original design can bring both artistic sensory stimulation and great commercial success. In the past 5 years, the transformation designer has won nearly 86 domestic and international awards and became a pioneering original design ghost.


Republican Metropolis Architecture(RMA) has been committed to the spirit of innovation for the community to provide a variety of design products, creative, imaginative creativity design to drive more brand value, works cover architecture, top club, hotel, restaurant, office, private homes, innovative bold design for the space into the new vitality, during the works won a number of top global event awards.

DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例
GND设计集团 / 视觉美学先行者

G&K桂睿诗 / 不失经典的优雅

   DOMANI 东仓建设 / 艺术近在咫尺

   GRANDRAW观筑 / 品牌形象新定位

DINZ德国室内设计网 / 全新的数字体验

