
西班牙雕塑家Diego Cabeza

资深编辑/Chenhui 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


西班牙雕塑家Diego Cabezas创造了扭曲的、极简主义的雕塑,运用大量铁元素。他的作品旨在与周围的建筑环境对话。Diego Cabezas的创造,本质上是在画空间。通过这种方式,他的作品让观众看到了生命的神秘,缓慢而持续的神秘,让人惊叹。

Diego Cabezas is a metal head. This Spanish sculptor creates twisted, minimalistic, and voluminous forms out of iron. A striking aspect of his artwork is the way that his pieces appear to converse with the organic and built environment that surrounds them. When Diego creates, he is essentially drawing in space. In this way, his work returns the viewer to the mystery of form-giving life, the mystery of slow, continuous formation that invites nothing but wonderment.

Diego Cabezas 正在创作中的雕塑作品 / 2017

Diego Cabezas 在工作室展示他的最新雕塑作品

Diego Cabezas 创作手稿的绘制


From his studio in Barcelona, Diego gives me a glimpse of the portrait of the man behind his eccentric, wiry creations.


Diego studied sculpture at a Pablo Picasso art school in Spain. There, he learnt a lot about the properties of different materials and anatomy. Playful experimentation led him to develop an artistic language all his own using iron.

创作中的 Diego Cabezas / 2017


Creativity is not something Diego looks for outside of himself. It’s the lens through which he takes in the world. “We are all artists,” he tells me. “Curiosity is the motor,” he explains. “Among other things, art is what makes us human. It’s something we do and enjoy doing because it connects us to something within ourselves that we can’t tap into any other way.”


Diego was very tactile with his hands growing up. He had a natural inclination for the Arts. The felt sense of the world was deeply fascinating. It was as if he were touching on the nature of reality through forms found in nature. As an adolescent, the impulse to create became even more tangible after venturing into an art exhibition on his own in his small city of origin, Coru?a. The exhibition was entitled “Impossible Objects.” “I remember that I went there alone,” he tells me, “and that the notion that ideas could be transmuted from the realm of the imaginary into visible reality was mesmerizing. Afterwards, little by little, I submerged myself in the trance of artistic creation with no higher ambition than to learn and find enjoyment in that.” Enjoyment. This word is an important one to home in on when it comes to Diego’s craft. There’s something inherently satisfying about taking in one of Diego’s pieces because his recipe for creation is an invitation for the viewer to partake in the vital last step of any good recipe which is simply to enjoy!

Diego在创造雕塑时,有了微妙的知觉变化。 光线投射的阴影有时会通过一个片段的方式给它在空间中增加了一个维度。 “我欣赏空旷、宁静的空间”Diego说。 “合成是一个重要方面,这对我的工作起着非凡的作用。 空间和阴影对我的作品中的铁质具有同样重要的作用。“

There are subtle emergent perceptual shifts when contemplating Diego’s sculptures. The way that light sometimes filters through a piece gives it an added dimension in space because of the shadows that it casts. “I appreciate empty space, silences, eliminating excess,” Diego says. “Synthesis is an important aspect of my nature and this plays into my work. Space and shadows are of equally weighted importance to the iron in my pieces.”

WINDY / Hierro / 180x80x40cm / 2013

FAEMINO & CANSADO / Hierro / 80x25x25cm & 100x25x15cm / 2012

MONARCA / Hierro / 60x25x25cm / 2012

EXTRAÑO EMIGRANTE / Hierro / 170x80x50cm / 2009

RAICES / Hierro / 75x60x40cm / 2009

Diego作为艺术家最大的满足感是艺术创作伴随着无拘无束的自由感。 “艺术就是你想要的,”他说,声音里充满了热情的微光。 伟大艺术之间的区别在于艺术家的真实和诚实性,这是Diego随着时间的推移而改进的。

Diego’s greatest satisfaction as an artist has been the sense of unfettered freedom that accompanies artistic creation. “Art is whatever you want it to be,” he says with an enthusiastic glimmer in his voice. According to Diego, what makes the difference between good and great art is the authenticity and honesty of the artist. This is something that Diego has refined over time.

Translation / Senior Editor - Chenhui

翻译 / 资深编辑 - Chenhui

English editor / Volverart

英文编辑  / Volverart

Photo copyright / Diego Cabeza

图片版权 / Diego Cabeza

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