
【酒店】 CCD香港郑中设计事务所 | 北京三里屯通盈中心洲际酒店 • 新雅皮

Cici(长沙) 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



Thedesign concept of the hotel was inspired by the hexagonal diamond element inthe building facade. Through the analysis of the formation of diamond, which ismade from constantly refining of rough stone; the design adopted the cuttingand luster characteristics of diamond to shape the space. This concept isthroughout the architectural plan layout and every elevation detail. Each detailis a story; a stylish and avant-garde space scene is created by the atmosphereof lighting, stylish furniture and exquisite artworks. 

CCD希望打造一个“新雅皮(New Yuppies)”风格的酒店。之所以说“新”是因为以前一说到雅皮容易联想到的是积极上进、自信坦然、温文尔雅、追求时尚生活,但色彩上却往往只有黑白灰。而CCD为三里屯洲际打造的是新雅皮风格:依然追求甚至引领时尚潮流,但是色调却不是只有黑白灰,甚至用宝石蓝作为主色调,营造未来感兼科技感的前卫氛围。

CCDintended to create a "New Yuppies" style hotel. It is "new"for that typical Yuppies symbolizes the pursuit for positive, confident, calm,gentle and fashionable life, with main colors of black, white and grey. CCD'sNew Yuppies for InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun stuck to the pursuing offashion trend, but the color is not only black, white and grey; gemstone blueis acting as the main color to create an avant-garde atmosphere of future andtechnology. 


Theinterior design is in line with architectural design and makes full use of thespaces of the existing building, in order to create a convenient, elegant and comfortableinterior space with reasonable layout, which is conducive to efficient business management and development. Forexample, by making full use of the advantages and disadvantages of the mainstructures, the structural column in the way is combined with custom-made arcsofa, forming virtual spaces together with the partition and sinking ceiling.In this way, different functional spaces are independent of each other, whilemaintaining a magnificent  sense of the grand space circulation.


Theinterior design started from shaping space scene; it is not only about thesurface decoration, but also dividing the spaces in an architectural way.Spaces are penetrated into each other, creating an visual experience ofalternation of virtual and reality. For example, the architectural space of thelobby is long and narrow with short spatial depth, this existing conditioninspired CCD on the spatial processing. CCD broke the traditional designtechniques for a lobby, they adopted the way for a fashion boutique store tocreate the lobby into a stylish avant-garde space. CCD separated the spaces byusing screen and  shelves which are madeof exquisite special glass and crystal, creating different space scenes in thelong and narrow lobby area. Another eye-catching place in the lobby is theplant wall, designed by the same method of diamond cutting and patchwork, wheregreen plants are scattered in a well-arranged way, giving the space vigor andvitality. The design of the lobby bar continued the treatment of diamondcutting, where luminous art installation is pouring down and make an impressionto the guests. 


Thethird floor is for dining, where 5 restaurants are distributed, so that peoplecan have choose from them according to their taste and mood. The Top TapasRestaurant and Top Bar are the first two spaces coming into the public eye,decorated with red color and copper pipe partition to show the Spanish styleproperly; Ying Japanese Restaurant is surrounded by Ying Chinese Restaurantwith "Hermes orange" as the main color; opposite to Ying Restaurant,the Char Dining Room (Steak House) & Lounge is in open industrial style.The Lounge faces Sanlitun Bar Street. Sitting in the lounge at night and facingSanlitun neon flashing, it has an atmosphere of ardency without beingdisturbed.


The Executive Lounge on the 22nd flooris created into a modern space, where the bright and elegant color contrast canawaken the youth of Yuppies. This is certainly the best place for a privateparty.


Thereare a lot of innovations in design, the most unique one is the circular layoutof the room, which makes the original rigid 45 square meters guestroomartistic, avant-garde, more open and convenient. 


Thedesign of the presidential suite continued the concept of fashion boutiquestore, and has chosen the elements of the elegant DIOR brand. For example,DIOR's representative gold and white are applied to the designs of wall,screen, lamp and so on. 


Thereare some artworks which are exclusively customized for the hotel based on itsartistic culture, with main materials as paper, steel and wood. Green plant isthe DNA of the design, so that the space has more natural vitality. 


InterContinentalBeijing Sanlitun gives new vatality to the InterContinental Hotels &Resorts, which is dedicated to creating luxury hotel brands for 70 years. Atthe same time, it highlights the determination and achievement ofInterContinental Hotels Group on the strategic deployment to develop landmarkhotels in first-tier cities.

CCD郑中设计 | 北京三里屯通盈中心洲际酒店



郑忠Joe Cheng


亚泰国际(002811)董事长;香港郑中设计事务所CCD(Cheng Chung Design)的创始人、设计总监。郑忠先生被誉为“资本圈第一时尚先生”,以“东意西境”的设计理念享誉国际酒店室内设计领域。郑忠先生带领的CCD,其项目作品迄今已获得27项顶级国际大奖。

2013年,他创立的香港郑中设计事务所在美国专业权威室内设计媒体《INTERIOR DESIGN》杂志公布的2012年度HOSPITALITY DESIGN GIANTS 100(全球酒店设计公司100大)排行榜中名列第三,成为唯一进入全球前十名的亚洲公司。此外,他带领CCD将室内设计界最高荣誉——“Gold Key Awards(金钥匙奖)”最佳酒店设计奖项收入囊中,成为首位囊括全系列酒店设计大奖的华人设计公司。

设计师 | 郑忠

项目面积 | 3万平米

项目地点 | 北京三里屯一号

项目名称 | 北京三里屯洲通盈中心洲际酒店

设计公司 | CCD香港郑中设计事务所

主要材料 | 树脂板,烤漆板,石材,古铜,扪皮,扪布




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