

王后浪; 张小磊 机器学习与推荐算法 2022-04-27


  • 4 Reasons Why Social Media Make Us Vulnerable to Manipulation.

    by Filippo Menczer.

  • Bias in Search and Recommender Systems.

    by Ricardo Baeza-Yates.

  • "You Really Get Me": Conversational AI Agents That Can Truly Understand and Help Users. 

    by Michelle Zhou.


  • Adversarial Learning for Recommendation: Applications for Security and Generative Tasks - Concept to Code.

    by Vito Walter Anelli et al.

  • Bayesian Value Based Recommendation: A modelling based alternative to proxy and counterfactual policy based recommendation.

    by David Rohde et al.

  • Counteracting Bias and Increasing Fairness in Search and Recommender Systems. 

    by Ruoyuan Gao et al.

  • Introduction to Bandits in Recommender Systems.

    by Andrea Barraza-Urbina et al.

  • Tutorial on Conversational Recommendation Systems.

    by Zuohui Fu et al.

  • Tutorial: Feature Engineering for Recommender Systems.

    by Benedikt Schifferer et al.


  • Progressive Layered Extraction (PLE): A Novel Multi-Task Learning (MTL) Model for Personalized Recommendations
    by H. Tang, J. Liu, M. Zhao, X. Gong (Best Long Paper)

  • Exploiting Performance Estimates for Augmenting Recommendation Ensembles
    by G. Penha, R. L. T. Santos (Best Long Paper Runner-up)
  • ADER: Adaptively Distilled Exemplar Replay Towards Continual Learning for Session-based Recommendation
    by F. Mi, X. Lin, B. Faltings (Best Short Paper)


一. 序列推荐

  • From the lab to production: A case study of session-based recommendations in the home-improvement domain.

  • ADER: Adaptively Distilled Exemplar Replay Towards Continual Learning for Session-based Recommendation.

  • Exploring Longitudinal Effects of Session-based Recommendations.

  • Long-tail Session-based Recommendation.

  • Context-aware Graph Embedding for Session-based News Recommendation.

  • Investigating the Impact of Audio States & Transitions for Track Sequencing in Music Streaming Sessions.

二. 可解释性推荐

  • Explainable Recommendation for Repeat Consumption.

  • Explainable Recommendations via Attentive Multi-Persona Collaborative Filtering.

  • Providing Explainable Race-Time Predictions and Training Plan Recommendations to Marathon Runners.

三. 无偏的和公平的推荐

  • Bias in Search and Recommender Systems

  • Debiasing Item-to-Item Recommendations With Small Annotated Datasets.

  • Keeping Dataset Biases out of the Simulation: A Debiased Simulator for Reinforcement Learning based Recommender Systems.

  • Unbiased Ad Click Prediction for Position-aware Advertising Systems.

  • Unbiased Learning for the Causal Effect of Recommendation.

  • Unbiased Implicit Recommendation and Propensity Estimation via Combinational Joint Learning.

  • The Connection Between Popularity Bias, Calibration, and Fairness in Recommendation.

  • Counteracting Bias and Increasing Fairness in Search and Recommender Systems.

  • Counteracting Bias and Increasing Fairness in Search and Recommender Systems.

  • The Connection Between Popularity Bias, Calibration, and Fairness in Recommendation.

  • Fairness-aware Recommendation with librec-auto.

  • Ensuring Fairness in Group Recommendations by Rank-Sensitive Balancing of Relevance.




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