
卡特三农学术论坛之231期暨学术午餐会第二十三期 叶俊焘:感知or生理?空气污染、健康与劳动绩效

浙大卡特三农智库 浙大卡特三农智库 2023-10-24


◇ 本期主题:

Perceived or Physical? Air Pollution, Health and Labor Performance


◇ 主讲嘉宾:



◇ 内容提要:

Perceived or Physical? Air Pollution, Health and Labor Performance

Air pollution is a serious threat to the economic development in many developing countries. However, earlier studies rarely focused on the role of individuals’ perceived health in shaping the negative economic effects of air pollution. We examined the short-term causal impacts of mild to moderate air pollution on work performance using China Labour-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS) panel data from 2014-2018. Additionally, we investigated the variations in contributions of perceived and physical health to these effects. The results indicate that mild-to-moderate PM2.5 pollution has significant short-run negative effects on labour performance, and perceived health and physical health are important mechanisms for these effects. Perceived health amplifies the contribution of physical health to the negative effects of air pollution. Workers actively choose to reduce their working hours and productivity to avoid further exposure to air pollution, leading to welfare losses. Differences in the contribution of perceived and physical health effects depend on individual Socio-economic Position (SEP) and the transparency of environmental information in cities. Therefore, environmental regulations should focus on the governance of the amplification effect on perceived health, particularly for vulnerable groups in the labour market, who are easily affected by environmental pollution.

◇ 主持人:


◇ 活动时间:


◇ 活动地点:

浙大紫金港校区西区创意楼A座  卡特729会议室(创意楼为下图红框内建筑,位于公共管理学院大楼西侧,可从创意楼东门或西门进入电梯厅抵达活动地点)

◇ 报名方式:


◇ 报名通道:

卡特三农学术论坛之230期暨“食物系统与政策”海外大师联合工作室(FSP Lab)系列讲座第五讲

招聘|浙江大学—北京大学“奶业减排降碳调研” 项目



