

浙大卡特三农智库 浙大卡特三农智库 2022-06-09

近日,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院韩洪云教授、夏胜博士关于工业后社会形态新思考又一研究成果《工业后农基社会发展:基于经济增长范式的思考》发表在期刊《social sciences》上。



An Agro-Based Society after Post-Industrial Society: From a Perspective of Economic Growth Paradigm

Hongyun Han * and Sheng Xia

China Academy for Rural Development, School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China

Since the Industrial Revolution, a new era has arisen called the Anthropocene, in which human actions have become the main driver of global environmental change outside the stable environmental state of the Holocene. During the Holocene, environmental change occurred naturally, and the Earth’s regulatory capacity maintained the conditions that enabled human development. Resource overexploitation of the industrial “Anthropocene”, under the principle of profit maximization, has led to planetary ecological crises, such as overloaded carbon sinks and climate changes, vanishing species, degraded ecosystems, and insufficient natural resources. Agro-based society, in which almost all demands of humans can be supported by agriculture, is characterized by life production. The substitution of Agro-based society for a post-industrial society is an evolutionary result of social movement, it is an internal requirement of a sustainable society for breaking through the resource constraint of economic growth. The core feature of agriculture is to use organisms as production objects and rely on life processes to achieve production goals. The substitution of Agro-based society for a post-industrial society is the precondition for a sustainable carbon cycle, breaking through the resource limits of the industrial “Anthropocene”, alleviating the environmental pressure of economic development, and promoting society from increasing disorderly entropy to orderly decreasing entropy. Meanwhile, technological advancements and growing environmental awareness of society make it feasible for the substitution of an agro-based society for a post-industrial society.



FSP Lab 第一讲|樊胜根:如何防止全球粮食安全面临的叠加风险和威胁

观点|《中国社会科学网》:傅夏仙 黄祖辉:扎实促进农民农村共同富裕


