

三影堂 三影堂摄影艺术中心 2022-04-27

 我与你: 埃里克·索斯 

The Space Between Us: Alec Soth

艺术家 埃里克·索斯 
Artist | Alec Soth

开幕 Opening | 2022.01.01

展期 Duration | 2022.01.01 - 03.06

(逢周一闭馆 Closed on Mondays)



OrganizerThree Shadows

Photography Art Centre


协办 | 上海摄影艺术中心

Co-organizerShanghai Center 

of Photography



Location155A Caochangdi

Chaoyang District, Beijing


Alec Soth first caught attention in 2004 with a series of portraits of people living in small-town America, a project he titled “Sleeping by the Mississippi”. This was followed by a succession of projects exploring topics from love to (in)visibility to escape, each within the context of mid-western American life. For reasons of his unique perspective, Soth has been described as one of the greatest photographers of America's social and geographical landscape at work today.

埃里克·索斯,《查尔斯,瓦萨,明尼苏达州》,2002年。选自《眠于密西西比河畔》系列。©️埃里克·索斯,鸣谢纽约尚凯利(Sean Kelly)画廊。

Alec Soth, Charles, Vasa, Minnesota, 2002. From series Sleeping by the Mississippi©️Alec Soth, courtesy of Sean Kelly New York.


“The Space Between Us” includes representative works from each of Soth's major series——"Perfect Strangers", "Looking for Love", "Sleeping by the Mississippi", "Niagara", "The Last Days of W", "Broken Manual", "Songbook", "I Know How Furiously Your Heart Is Beating". Working in series is an important and distinctive aspect of his approach. “The mark of a great photographer isn’t taking one amazing photo,” he says, “but the ability to assemble an amazing collection.”

埃里克·索斯,《帕特里克,棕枝主日,巴吞鲁日,路易斯安那州》,2002年。选自《眠于密西西比河畔》系列。©️埃里克·索斯,鸣谢纽约尚凯利(Sean Kelly)画廊。

Alec Soth, Patrick, Palm Sunday, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2002. From series Sleeping by the Mississippi. ©️Alec Soth, courtesy of Sean Kelly New York.


Alec Soth is foremost an artist. He thinks like a painter whose material is light. While sensations of intimacy and isolation are found everywhere in his photographs, more important for his approach is the subtle choice of focal point; on the contrary to the conventions of portraiture, Soth is most interested in highlighting the relationship between objects by accenting the space between them. At all times, Soth carefully examines the space between himself and the subject.

埃里克·索斯,《比尔, 桑达斯基, 俄亥俄州》,2012年。选自《歌本》系列。©️埃里克·索斯,鸣谢纽约尚凯利(Sean Kelly)画廊。

Alec Soth, Bil, Sandusky, Ohio, 2012. From series Songbook.©️Alec Soth, courtesy of Sean Kelly New York.


A unique aspect of his photography lies in the way he makes a portrait: Soth likes to step into a person's life, entering their psychological as much as their living space. Yet, in giving himself up to the mood of a moment, the photographs are often a reflection of his own mood as prompted by the encounter.

埃里克·索斯,李和昆塔维斯,韦尔县,乔治亚州,2014。选自《歌本》系列。©️埃里克·索斯,鸣谢纽约尚凯利(Sean Kelly)画廊。

Alec Soth, Lee and Quintavious,Ware County,Georgia ,2014. From series Songbook. ©Alec Soth,courtesy of Sean Kelly New York


Soth’s latest project, “I Know How Furiously Your Heart is Beating” was produced after a year-long hiatus in which he pondered the burning question “What can a photograph really tell us about anything?” Or “How is it possible to make meaningful photographs in a world where half a million images are taken every second?” His musing is revealed here in 44 extraordinary images from Soth’s career so far.

埃里克·索斯,《文斯,纽》,2018年。选自《我知道你的心跳有多剧烈》系列。©️埃里克·索斯,鸣谢纽约尚凯利(Sean Kelly)画廊。

Alec Soth, Vince, New York City, 2018. From series I Know How Furiously Your Heart Is Beating.©️Alec Soth, courtesy of Sean Kelly New York.

 · “我与你: 埃里克·索斯”展览呈现 · 


Perfect Strangers


Looking for Love


Sleeping by the Mississippi




The Last Days of W


Broken Manual




I Know How Furiously Your Heart Is Beating

· 点击观看翻书视频 · 

Click the video to see the content of monographs


· 扫码购买埃里克·索斯摄影书籍 · 

Scan the QR code to purchase the monographs of Alec Soth


 · 关于埃里克·索斯 · 

About Alec Soth




Alec Soth (born 1969) lives and works in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has published over 25 books, including his first critically acclaimed monograph Sleeping by the Mississippi (2004). This was followed by Niagara (2006), Fashion Magazine (2007), Dog Days, Bogotá (2007), The Last Days of W (2008), Broken Manual (2010), Songbook (2015), Gathered Leaves (2015), and I Know How Furiously Your Heart Is Beating (2019) among others. In 2008 Soth started his own publishing company, Little Brown Mushroom, which is based in Minnesota.

His work has been the subject of solo exhibitions at international museums and is in the permanent collections of institutions including Brooklyn Museum of Art; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; the Waiker Art Center Minneapolis; and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, amongst others.




Three Shadows Photography Art Centre would like to thank Alec Soth for his assistance in producing the exhibition, aided by Ethan Jones at Alec Soth studio. We also thank Karen Smith, the art director at SCoP,  and the team for their support of this exhibition.


年度之约 摄影盛宴



