

思飞君 思飞学术 2021-03-17


一起来看看两位世界知名的应用语言学家Rod Ellis教授和Paul Nation教授对语法教学和词汇教学的见解吧。


 语法教学 X Rod Ellis








Focus-on-forms instruction: Learners attend to form in activities whose principal goal is accurate language use (i.e. in ‘exercise’ of one kind or another).

Focus-on-form instruction: Learners attend to form while they are primarily oriented towards message-comprehension/production in order to achieve the outcome of some ‘task’.

Explicit instruction: instruction aiming at inducing learners to think consciously about some sort of rule

Implicit instruction: instruction involving learners memorizing instances or inferring rules without any awareness or intension

Input-based instruction: instruction consisting of activities that present learners with a stimulus and require them to respond non-verbally (e.g. by performing an action or identifying a picture) or, perhaps, with a minimal verbal response (e.g. ‘yes’ or ‘no’)

Out-put based instruction: instruction consisting of activities that require learners to produce sentences containing the target feature either orally or in writing

(《语法学习与教学》,pp.207, 209, 212)

Rod Ellis's  beliefs about grammar teaching:

1. The grammar taught should be one that emphasizes not just form but also the meanings and uses of different grammatical structures.

2. Teachers should endeavour to focus on those grammatical structures that are known to be problematic to learners rather than try to teach the whole grammar.

3. Grammar is best taught to learners who have already acquired some ability to use the language (i.e. intermediate level) rather than to complete beginners. However, grammar can be dealt with as soon as learners begin to use the language productively through corrective feedback.

4. A focus-on-forms approach is valid as long as it includes an opportunity for learners to practice ‘behaviour’ in communicative tasks.

5. Consideration should be given to experimenting with a massed rather than distributed approach to teaching grammar.

6. Use should be made of both input-based and output-based instructional options.

7. A case exists for teaching explicit grammatical knowledge as a means of assisting subsequent acquisition of implicit knowledge. Teaching explicit knowledge can be incorporated into both a focus-on-forms and a focus-on-form approach. In the case of a focus-on-forms approach, a differentiated approach involving sometimes deductive and sometimes inductive instruction may work best.

8. An incidental focus-on-form approach is of special value because it affords an opportunity for extensive treatment of grammatical problems (in contrast to the intensive treatment afforded by a focus-on-forms approach.

9. Corrective feedback is important for learning grammar. It is best conducted using a mixture of implicit and explicit feedback types that are both input-based and output-based.

10. In accordance with the above beliefs, grammar instruction should take the form of separate grammar lessons (a focus-on-forms approach) and also be integrated into communicative activities (a focus-on-form approach).


看完Rod Ellis教授对语法教学的十点看法,你有什么感受呢?是不是觉得他好像两边都赞成,没有完全否定任何一种方式?的确,教授语法原本就不局限于某一种特定的方式,而且习得二语语法体系是一个复杂的过程,最好是通过多种途径来共同促成。最重要的是要识别出可选的途径和其背后的理论依据,以及可能存在的问题。这样慢慢地,你就能发展出一套自己的行之有效的语法教学理论来了。

词汇教学 X Paul Nation






Principles of Paul Nation's ideal vocabulary course:

Four strands: A well-balanced language course has four equal strands of meaning-focused input, meaning-focused output, language-focused learning and fluency development.

Comprehensible input: Learners should have the opportunity to learn through message-focused listening and reading (meaning-focused input) where around 98% of the vocabulary is already familiar to them.

Output: Learners should be pushed to produce language through speaking and writing.

Fluency: Learners should become fluent in using what they already know in each of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Frequency: High frequency items should be learned before lower frequency items.

Interference: The items in a language course should be sequenced so that items which are learned together have a positive effect on each other for learning and so that interference effects are avoided.

Strategies and autonomy: Learners should be encouraged to develop the skill and motivation to take responsibility for their own learning.

Time on task: Learners should spend as much time as possible listening, speaking, reading and writing.


Paul Nation教授在书中对以上八个原则都进行了详细论述,提出了具体的教学建议。他在书中还提供了Vocabulary Levels Test和Vocabulary Size Test的工具,这些可以在他的学校官网主页找到(网址:http://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/staff/paul-nation.aspx,读者可以在浏览器中查阅。除了上述工具,Nation教授还提供了许多阅读材料供大家参考学习。





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