
Simon Goess:我们生活在危险的时代里|《独立之道》前言

Simon Goess 家园计划





非常明显的是,自然资源的再生是有一定速率与周期的,而石化资源——占当今世界能量来源的百分之八十份额——对于人类来讲属于完全不可再生的资源。任何一个有理智的人都明白,很显然,自然界不可能在中期或长期的时间里实现持续的资源增长和持续为人类进行物质输出,尤其是对于地球这样一个资源有限的星球来说。持续增长的人口(现今世界总人口数为七十五亿,预计2100年可达一百亿到两百亿,而将这使得人类需要创造更多物质财富,也就是说需要 更多自然资源)与自然界(由于人类大规模的经济活动已经在走下坡路了)之间必然不能调和,从而将导致失衡。



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A life grounded again in the bedrock of its physical surroundings, and appreciative of the ingenuity of the human spirit for the good.

2015年7月,SimonGoess 在中国青岛崂山自给自足实验室带领来在中国各地的20余名参与者制作风力发电机叶片



















We live in perilous times: Politically, ecologically, economically and spiritually. 

Decades of economic growth in the West already strained the ecological balance of the earth. And almost everyone followed the growth paradigm: More and more has been promoted as the salvation in increasingly individualistic societies. However only, a minority, to be precise, 10-15 percent of all people on the planet directly benefited from this development. The rest, people in the so-called developing countries – the term just shows the ignorance, arrogance and short-sightedness of modern thought, as it reduces more than 80 percent of the peoples’ histories and traditions to a mere narrow-minded economic framework – did not and could not actively participate in this improvement of living conditions. If those peoples and their countries participated than in many cases by having their natural resources being exploited by multinational companies together with the local political elites. 

Since the 1980s economic development and the betterment of living conditions also for the poorer nations started to take off as well. China, India and Brazil together representing about 40 percent of global population were some of the countries where economic conditions improved for the larger part of their population. To some extent the Western “more and more” paradigm, so the strive for mere material well-being overtook traditional values in those emerging economies. This value shift caused and continues to cause havoc to peoples’ state of mind in those communities which are being uprooted and thrown into the modern capitalistic globalized economic world. Traditional community-based structures of living together based on trust and a common understanding of life is effectively being fragmentized.  

To be fair economic conditions, literacy rates and health conditions improved greatly across the globe during the last 30 years. People in many countries are now able to afford means of transport, communication, and day-to-day convenience goods, which their parents would either have never dreamt of being in existence or could never have afforded. All of this development went on, primarily because human beings were able to exploit natural resources in an ever more efficient processes of production.  

It is however clear that natural resources only replenish at a certain speed and that fossil energy resources – which 80 percent of global energy consumption relies on – are non-renewable over human timescales. For any sane person, it should thus be obvious that continuous growth and material output will not be possible in the mid- and long-term, especially on a finite planet, such as ours. The combination of a growing population, currently standing at 7.5 billion and expected to grow to 10-11 billion by 2100, aspiring ever more material wealth, and a natural world, that is already on the retreat due to human economic activity, can only lead to destabilization. 

And I strongly believe that the (political and economic) turmoil we can currently observe in the Middle East (Syria), the US (a nationalistic and irrational president), stronger right-wing political parties in Europe, along with decreasing rates of economic growth across the world are all symptoms of the same problem. Human population and its needs causes pressure on natural resources of all kind, be it the atmosphere (global climate change), water (drinking water shortage and pollution), arable land (erosion and salinization), mineral and fossil resources (oil and minerals). 

Every year global human population uses the resources of our planet earlier. In 2016, we used all the resources the planet can regenerate in one year’s time on the 8th of August 2016. Thus our consumption overshoots the production generating capacity of the earth 7 months before the year is actually finished. Again, such a behaviour will only viable in the short-term. Never in the long-run can something – here our industrialized, globalized, capitalistic economy – be sustained when it consumes more than is available. 

What is the way forward then? What are ecological and human ways of coping with the reality of our over-consumptive lifestyles? 

How can we realign our needs and reinvent our relationship with those of our planet, of the natural environment and of those of our fellow human beings?

Re-localization of production and consumption (this does not imply that there is no trade) is an important factor in order to balance the immediate need of people and the ability of nature to provide for those. Cooperative behaviour and the intentional gathering of likeminded individuals to form communities living in accordance with the land will not only provide a communal structure to the individualistic human being of nowadays, but it will also free them from the strive towards more material welfare, gadgets and unnecessary distractions from what life really is about. Human beings are after all – contrary to 100 years of economic discourse – no homo economicus, a rational market participant going for is benefit only, but a communal being that strives for a sense of belonging, appreciation, respect and sense. 

Intentional communities, eco-villages, rural cooperative, whatever the name, might also serve as beacons for other people, for those how aim to live in a different way, but are held back in the economic treadmill of modern life by perceived barriers and shackles. Building up a community is by no means easy and requires prolonged efforts and determination. Certain ways of communicating have to be re-established and re-learned. And common ground for achieving certain goals has to be provided for. 

During the last 150 years, starting with the industrialization and now having arrived at our globalized economy, human kind created a wide arrange of methods and tools, for example be it the internet for sharing information and knowledge across borders and language barriers, which can allow for a more decent and humble life. A life grounded again in the bedrock of its physical surroundings, and appreciative of the ingenuity of the human spirit for the good.

The peace of wild things (Wendell Berry)

When despair grows in me

and I wake in the night at the least sound

in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,

I go and lie down where the wood drake

rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things

who do not tax their lives with forethought

of grief. I come into the presence of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

waiting for their light. For a time

I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. 

For Guanhua, and all the ones striving for change, 

Simon Goess

本文为Simon Goess为唐冠华的新书《独立之道》撰写的序言。









“家园计划AnotherLand”是一个涉及生态环保和人道主义的民间公益行动. 该计划致力于对科技、经济、文化、教育领域进行反思,并为因次衍生的贫富差距等问题展开实际行动



