
Enjoy reading Enrich yourself!

2017-11-15 北京外国语大学附属中学

Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light. 

  –Vera Nazarian

Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. 

–Mason Cooley


Reading report

        Every day, We spend 20 minutes reading English and then write down important words, good sentences, and main idea. We have formed a habit of reading English every day. 


Reading sharing

        In each class, We share our reading with the whole class by giving a presentation. Sometimes we share our thoughts, sometimes we make recommendations for reading, and sometimes we just sing a song to express our feelings. We enjoy it very much and benefit a lot.


Writing summary

        Summary writing is a very good way to improve reading comprehension. We will finish a handmade paper to present a summary after reading. Also, We often practice writing a summary after reading in and after class.

Reading happens every day. 

Let's enjoy reading and enrich ourselves!

高一年级学生: 杨京晶   孙泽萌  童双雯

