

中国艺术现场 关注正在发生的艺术事件!▲


Butterflies Conquer the Dinosaurs’ Garden

艺  术 家  :邓国源     

A r t i s t: Deng Guoyuan

策 展 人  :贝亚特·艾芬沙德

Curator :Beate Reifenscheid


Co-Curator:Liang Kegang

展       馆 :德国,科布伦茨市,路德维希美术馆

V e n u e: Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Germany

地址Add :Danziger Freiheit 1 D-56068 Koblenz

开幕时间 :2019年5月12日     

Opening :May 12, 2019

展        期:2019年5月12日——6月12日

Duration:May 12 — June 12 , 2019


Deng Guoyuan's first large scale European solo exhibition in 2019, Butterflies Conquer the Dinosaurs’ Garden, will open on May 12, 2019 at  Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Germany. This exhibition will bring a series of artist Deng Guoyuan's latest artworks.

▲诸神1-60 Gods1-60 | 亚克力 UV 打印UV print on acrylic丨每件(each) 60x80x1.5cm 丨2019

▲新物种丨Xniyaemb|The Gods of New Species| 亚克力 UV 打印 UV print on acrylic|60x80x1.5cm丨2019

毫无疑问,是基因工程和人工智能成果给了邓国源以启发,使他臆造出了这些千奇百怪的动物。也就是说,由基因工程和人工智能带来的“新创世时代”是邓国源的《新物种系列》作品产生的现实背景。除此之外,中国古代神话经典《山海经》(Classic of Mountains and Seas)也给邓国源带来了创作灵感,并使得这组当代艺术作品拥有连接历史文脉(Context)的功能并与之产生关系。无论如何,《新物种系列》(New species series)作品是邓国源以艺术的方式对这个前所未有的科技创新时代及其新事物做出的精神反映。

Undoubtedly, the results of gene engineering and artificial intelligence have inspired Deng Guoyuan to create these bizarre animals. That is to say, the "new creation era" brought by the gene engineering and artificial intelligence is the realistic background of Deng Guoyuan's "New Species Series". In addition, the ancient Chinese mythology the Classic of Mountains and Seas also inspired Deng Guoyuan, and made this set of contemporary art works with the function of connecting the historical context, and build further relationship between them. In any case, the New Species Series is a spiritual reflection of Deng Guoyuan's artistic approach to this unprecedented era of technological innovation and its new things.

▲ 新物种丨Tsusyp | The Gods of New Species | 亚克力 UV 打印 | UV print on acrylic  60x80x1.5cm丨2019

邓国源是一位眼界开阔、观念开放的艺术家,这样的艺术素质与他曾有过在欧洲创作、生活的经历有关。他不仅能够打破艺术语言之间的界限,同时采用多种艺术手段进行创作,而且能够超越狭隘的本土意识,将全人类的普遍关切作为自己的创作主题。自21世纪以来,他越来越多地致力于装置艺术创作,先后推出了《以形而上的方式诞生系列》(2009—2017)和《诺亚花园系列》(2015—2017)等以生态环境为主题的优秀装置作品。《新物种系列》(New species series)作品无论是在艺术手法上,还是在艺术主题上,都标志着邓国源的艺术迈入了一个新的高度。

Deng Guoyuan is an artist with an open mind. This artistic quality is related to his experience of living in Europe. He not only breaks the boundaries between artistic language, but also use a variety of artistic means to create. Moreover, he transcends the narrow local consciousness and regards the universal concern of all mankind as his own creative theme. Since the 21st century, he has been increasingly devoted to installation art, and has launched the "Metamatically Birth Series" (2009-2017) and the "Noah Garden Series" (2015-2017), which are excellent installation with the theme of ecological environment. In terms of artistic techniques and artistic theme, the New Species Series marks that Deng Guoyuan’s art has reached a new height.

————王端廷Wang Duanting

▲洛利的花园Lorelys’ Garden exhibition floor plan丨钢管、LED灯带Steel pipe, LED lamps丨2019

这批作品具有一种奇怪的状态,一共分为四个系列 : 1.洛利的花园; 2.启示录; 3.诸神的花园;4.诸神之像:基因组合主要集中于第3个系列。十件镜面装置作品:蝴蝶占领了恐龙的花园,蜻蜓占领了老虎的花园,海洋生物占领了河马的花园,甲壳虫占领了大象的花园,蜘蛛占领了熊猫的花园,螳螂占领了狮子的花园,蜜蜂占领了猩猩的花园,诸神占领了机器人的花园。比如老虎和蜜蜂进行了基因组合,混合成后代,长出来的将是一个什么情况?我们既看到了飞翔的老虎,又看到了可以食肉的蜜蜂,既可以在蜜蜂的肚子上伸出一只人的脚来,又可以在老虎的臀部上长出一朵花正在对着阳光盛开。

Gene Mutations comprises four subseries— “Loreleys’ garden”, “Revelations”, “The Gardens of the Gods”, and “The Gods of New Species”, which all have a strange outlook. The third subseries focuses on gene combination, portraying butterflies invading dinosaurs’ garden, dragonflies invading tigers’ garden, marine organisms invading hippos’ garden, beetles invading elephants’ garden, spiders invading pandas’ garden, cockroaches invading lions’ garden, honeybees invading chimpanzees’ garden, and the gods invading robots’ garden. For instance, the genomes of tigers and honeybees are combined to yield their offspring. How do their offspring look like? We see not only flying tigers, but also carnivorous honeybees. On a honeybee’ belly grows a human foot, and on a tiger’s buttock grows a flower in full bloom, bathed in sunlight.   

▲新物种之神——恐龙和新物种之神——蝴蝶 Dinosaur-The Gods of New Species and Butterfly-The Gods of New Species丨钢管、LED灯带 Steel pipe, LED lamps 丨Butterfly 320x290x90cm Dinosaur 185x60x110cm丨2019


If the series is presented as virtual images, it would remain as a kind of virtual reality. Just as how we deal with a prophet’s oracles, we tend to treat virtual reality in a respectful but dismissive manner. But the fact is, Deng is leading a team to create a multitude of sculptures, portraying thousands of cases of gene mutation— an endless process that may grow out of control. The exhibition only shows part of such creation. Just like the genome-editing incident in November 2018, gene mutation might only be a topic for discussion at the start. But it may lead to changes comparable to how the mirror’s function changes in Deng’s works, namely, a total reversal. In Noah’s Garden, the mirror constantly conjures up fancy illusions, so the audience can momentarily escape hardships in real life. The allusion to the Noah’s Ark endorses the human instinct for survival. Whereas in Gene Mutations, the dire situation that mankind is facing today can no longer be dismissed as illusion or speculation. Mirrors become the backdrop of reality. Whenever the audience look at the mini-sculptures portraying cases of gene mutation, they see fractured images of themselves in the mirrors. Thanks to the series, the role that genetic engineering plays in mutating and intervening with humanity has become a reality so tangible to us.

————朱青生Zhu Qingsheng

它 她 他 It She He | 纸、铅笔、墨水 Paper, pencil, ink | 600x140cm丨2019


The Chinese have always been an emotionally perceptive people. I think this is perhaps connected to the pictographic roots of Chinese characters. Chinese characters in remote antiquity were basically pictures, which were later simplified in the writing to form the unique ideographic written words and corresponding linguistic system that seems to differ in very essential ways from the writing and language of the Latin languages of the Mediterranean, which themselves emerged from clusters of abstract symbols. Thus, since ancient times, the Han Chinese people have used the concepts and meanings reflected through an ideographic visual perception akin to pictures to understand, describe and interact with the world. This has also made the Han Chinese quite a sentimental people. In ancient times, the more educated literati class enjoyed gathering to reflect on the present and reminisce about the past, and were particularly interested in illusions of reality projected in the heart like the moon reflected in a mirror. Throughout history, many great works of poetry, literature, drama, painting and sculpture emerged from precisely this background.

▲启示录 NO.1 Revelation NO.1丨 镜面不锈钢、霓虹灯管、丙烯   Mirror, stainless steel, neon tube lights, acrylic paint丨244x244x7cm丨2019


He found inspiration in that ancient Chinese book of oddities combining mythology, geography, folkways and imagination, the Classic of Mountains and Seas. He drew from the narrative structure of Greek mythology, and was also moved by the drastic changes and absurd realities of China's frenzied contemporary society, using toys, dolls and complex mirror spaces to construct a bizarre, fantastical space that contains thousands of strange life forms.

▲启示录 NO.2 Revelation NO.2丨 镜面不锈钢、霓虹灯管、丙烯 Mirror, stainless steel, neon tube lights, acrylic paint丨244x244x7cm丨2019


In this way, a magical world of the artist’s imagination and fabrication has come into being in Deng Guoyuan’s hands. He has fully constructed a complete, parallel world of speculation and metaphor, the inner logic and rich manifestations of which reveal a sensitive artist’s profound thinking on traditional culture, incisive attitude toward the present reality, and deep concern for the prospects of the future.

————梁克刚 Liang Kegang

▲蜻蜓占领了老虎的花园 Overall effect丨Dragonflies Conquer the Tigers Garden NO.1丨Aluminium sheet, glass mirror, modified toys, acrylic paint, enamel paint丨铝板、玻璃镜、改装玩具、丙烯、油漆丨200x180x30cm丨2019


In the context of this statement, I would like to introduce the work of the artist, Deng Guoyuan, whose involvement in art has taken him to many areas of investigation, both complex and intriguing.  The complexity has a metaphysical aspect to it as well as a biomorphic one in that he appears to be dealing with matter and form in ways that go beyond the normative world into a vast imaginative territory that surpasses ordinary events and perceptions of routine behavior. What strikes me as significant in Deng’s work is his ability to construct an alternative world based on the parallel reality of the imagination. This realityencompasses the artist’s Chinese tradition as he concurrently moves through other galaxies of thought that propose to impact the course of human life. As Deng has made clear, the world of his imagination is one removed from how he lives in the reality of the present.  It is a vastly different world, one that we might expect from artists who are perpetually in the process of inventing new systems of thought, which is, for the most part, outside or beyond the reaches of everyday life.

▲(局部)蜻蜓占领了老虎的花园 Detail丨Dragonflies-Tigers丨Aluminium sheet, glass mirror, modified toys, acrylic paint, enamel paint丨铝板、玻璃镜、改装玩具、丙烯、油漆丨200x180x30cm丨2019


For the artist, Deng Guo Yuan, the schemata he has outlined moves from the ancient past into the present and ultimately to an unknown future. He begins with his “Lorely’s Garden” in which he constructs cubistic taiku rocks. Instead of the natural form of rocks, the structures are geometrically constructed using steel pipes and LED lamps. The variety of these structures, when seen together in a darkened space, is mesmerizing. Whether of not, one thinks of the ancient past is almost irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that these forms give a new look to “scholars’ rocks” and are perhaps more in keeping with the postmodern present. Another category referred to as “The Gardens of the Gods and Gods of a New Classicism of Mountains and Rivers” is also a provocation, but in a vastly different way.  Here the artist is morphing the appearance of dolls and various toys through his own set of mutations. His suppressed anxieties relate to the future and begin to reveal themselves both in terms of “scientific” mutations and the out-of-control usage of AI (artificial intelligence). 

▲(局部)蜻蜓占领了老虎的花园 Detail丨Dragonflies-Tigers丨Aluminium sheet, glass mirror, modified toys, acrylic paint, enamel paint丨铝板、玻璃镜、改装玩具、丙烯、油漆丨200x180x30cm丨2019


In a series of works referred to as “Revelation,” Deng goes further in working with neon signs and words. He enters into the virtual world of a heightened artificial intelligence that has lost control of its own facility.  In “The Passing of the Gods and Apocalypse,” his exorbitant light installations are directly based on genetic mutations, AI codifications, and quantum physics. Deng claims to worry about the future as he proceeds to work on these projects – all part of a grand myth – yet he also appears committed to realizing these structures as biomorphic systems emanating through nature as he elevates these systems into a hyper-surreal environment. Essentially this is a metaphorical world that one might consider parallel to the reality of another world.  It is a dream world exploited and developed in a manner that obscures our understanding of what human beings have grown accustomed to over thousands of years. It would appear that Deng Guo Yuan’s position as an artist is to challenge the reality of the past in such a way that we stare into his mirrored installations where tiny specimens of fantastical life abound.  While we may not know exactly what we are perceiving, we understand they are something from the unconscious than has suddenly come into our conscious world.  



Might we call it a new way of thinking and seeing?  This is possible, but also commonplace?  It has been said before in the work of the Surrealists, the Hyperrealists and the Neo-Dadaists, among countless others. But these are Western forms of art, not necessarily Chinese.  Therefore, it may be the right time to turn the tables and to look at Deng’s array of intensely severe installations as being the result of a culture that skipped over modernism and moved directly from an oppressive past into a postmodern phase that has now begun to blossom into something far beyond what the Western world would have imagined a half-century ago.  Indeed, this is the time for an artist like Deng Guo Yuan to emerge in coming to terms with how the impending future with all its scientific and pseudo-scientific baggage impacts the direction of Chinese art. His fabulous creatures exert a resonance that life on Earth may still be the source for the human imagination to spring forth. They offer fantastic qualitative possibilities for how to think and understand one another through the medium of cultural exchange. 

————罗伯特·摩根 Robert C. Morgan

▲ 飘逝的诸神Passing of the Gods| 改装玩具、丙烯、油漆modified toys, acrylic paint, enamel paint丨630x200x380cm丨2019

▲  (局部)飘逝的诸神 Detail丨Passing of the Gods|改装玩具、丙烯、油漆modified toys, acrylic paint, enamel paint丨2019


The duration of the exhibition is May 12 — June 12 , 2019.





2019年 《蝴蝶占领了恐龙的花园》——路德维希博物馆 科布伦茨 德国

2017年 《熵矢—邓国源作品展》 艺术天津 中国 天津

2016年 《诺亚花园》 ——红砖美术馆 中国 北京

2016年 夏季达沃斯新领军者年会主会场《第四次工业革命-转型的力量》——梅江会展中心 中国 天津 

2016年 《湖畔·花园——邓国源西太湖水墨、装置作品展》——常州西太湖美术馆、刘海粟夏尹乔艺术馆 中国 常州

2016年《在花园——邓国源当代艺术展》53美术馆——大型装置艺术展 中国 广州

2015-2016年《在花园——邓国源当代艺术展》岭南美术馆——水墨绘画展 中国 东莞

2011-2012年《在花园——邓国源作品巡回展》——巴克奈尔萨米克美术馆 美国,新伦敦城艺术中心美术馆 美国,雪城威尔豪斯美术馆 美国

2008年《在花园》路德维希博物馆 德国 科布伦茨

2007年《你在花园》天津美术学院美术馆 中国 天津

2005年《DISTANZ》 阿尔夫·普兰画廊 德国 杜塞尔多夫

2005年《DISTANZ》德国盖温巴赫博物馆 德国



2019年 《诺亚花园II》 德国北方艺术节 德国 弗伦斯堡

2017年 《中国西部国际双年展》内蒙古美术馆 呼和浩特

2016年 《An Atlas of Mirrors》新加坡双年展 新加坡美术馆 新加坡

2015年 《京都双年展》 京都美术馆 ,京都 日本



路德维希美术馆(科布伦茨)坐落在被称为德意志之角和德国最美遗产的科布伦茨市。该美术馆是一座拥有800多年历史的古老建筑,该美术馆的收藏包括了格哈德·里希特(Gerhard Richter),巴勃罗·毕加索 (Pablo Picasso)、安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol),让·杜布菲 (Jean Dubuffet)、皮埃尔·苏拉奇 (Pierre Soulages) 和谢尔盖·波利雅科夫 (Serge Poliakoff) 等许多现代主义大师的杰作。自1992年开幕以来,科布伦茨路德维希博物馆便积极与世界各国展开现代艺术交流、举办国际展览项目。

科布伦茨路德维希博物馆的独特理念促进了它与当代艺术之间的联系。该博物馆所举办的展览代表了多个声音之间的交流,并经常担任起法国艺术机构与研究单位之间的调解人角色。博物馆还举办过包括阿尔曼(Arman)、本·沃提埃(Ben Vautier)、贝尔纳·维勒(Bernar Venet)、伯特·斯坦(Bert Stern)、肖恩·斯库利(Sean Scully),杰夫·昆斯
(Jeff Koons)、安塞姆·基弗(Anselm Kiefer),等国际著名艺术家的个展。







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