

张海露Eric 英语学习笔记 2022-12-12

最近刚读完 The Elements of Teaching,简单说就是英文版《师说》。全书共,我推荐英语老师们都读读。





The Elements of Teaching 共有 10 条,也就是教师应有的职业素养:Learning/Authority/Ethics/Order/Imagination/Compassion/Patience/Tenacity/Character/Pleasure。我从中选了几条,有摘抄也有我的心得。

1. Learning & Order

...teachers are and must be thinkers in their own right, not just doers who happen to teach and possess the skill to do so. Their minds must be continually restocked and nourished...True teacher liberates the thinking of others.



Order 一章中也说,老师要以身作则。你想要你学生成为什么样的人,你首先得做个榜样:

Order necessitates that teachers set good examples. The virtues expected of students must first be evident in teachers: industry, patience, punctuality, honesty, clarity, perseverance, seriousness, dependability, and consideration. Habits of self-discipline in a teacher provide models for their students and justify teacher's high expectations of those they teach.

2. Authority


Yet paradoxically, a teacher can also gain authority by denying it—that is, by acknowledging ignorance. The simple "I don't know, and I wish I did," or "I can't answer that question, and I wish I could" are clarifying through their direct honesty—and imply a yearning to know.

「权威」不是一言堂,不是不苟言笑。关系上保持一定距离,防止 Familarity breeds contempt;专业技能上自己要持续学习,别觉得能把教科书教明白就够了——你得是自来水才能给学生一杯水。

最重要的是别把自己的职业神化,错了就认、不懂别装懂大大方方的承认。别要求自己无所不知永不犯错,把每一个错误和盲点当作自己和学生成长的机会,把每一个「I don't know」变成「Let's look it up」「Let's find out together」。

3. Ethics & Imagination

Ethical teaching means setting high standards and expectations and inspiring students to meet them.


老师希望学生相信自己,自己也要首先相信学生。他觉得难学,你觉得难教,但咱们别放弃别糊弄,一起尝试解决问题。想做到这一点,除了教学技能, 还需要老师有「Imagination」:

Good teachers thus have the ability somehow to imagine themselves in the students' places and then to help those students imagine themselves in other times, locations, and circumstances not immediately present to their senses and, for the most part, never previously experienced.

imagination 是因材施教的前提,是相信学生能够学的会、知识可以传授,也是柳暗花明又一村的灵感。

4. Compassion & Tenacity

你为什么教英语呢?是职业选择养家糊口?是喜欢和孩子相处?还是你相信语言的力量?你难以忍受无知和愚蠢?无论如何,做老师的灵魂来自内心深处的 compassion:

Compassion in teaching is therefore not simply affection; it is an emotional reaction to the ignorance of the young, which creates in teachers a desire to wrestle with ignorance, substitute knowledge, and establish order and certainty wherever students' intellectual chaos and doubt are evident.

compassion 在拉丁语源中表示「suffering with」,也就是我们要多点感同身受——Those who have forgotten how hard it was to attain their achieved levels of mastery in a discipline will never be successful or happy instructors. 

compassion 是我们自己持续进步、对学生多些耐心的基础,同时我们还需要 tenacity 调节助力。tenacity 的拉丁词源表示「握住」,它是老师的信仰,如同汽车里的油,一般看不见,但没有它哪里都去不了。

有没有觉得怎么教都教不会、自我怀疑、想放弃的时候?这都非常正常。tenacity 就是接受自己的失败——你要相信,「教育」是持续的,可能目前学生没有学会这个知识,但很多东西可以发生在教学之外,要相信自己的付出是值得的。

全书的最后一章标题是 Pleasure。老师开心点,学生也能开心点,大家都开心点,进步也就快一点儿。对老师来说,「开心」不只是一种随机的状态,还应该是一种能力——调节自己、影响他人的综合能力。这样看来,「开心」更是一种策略选择,是终身修行的目标。

以上是我读这本书的摘抄和心得。书中很多道理都是老生常谈,一读就会觉得自己「早就懂了」。我的建议是耐心点、谦虚点读一读,从中获取些方法、方向、启发、安慰,接着这个机会认识自己反思自己——这又回到了全书的第一条 Learning。



· 英语专业怎么了?!

· 如何成为一名优秀的英语老师?

· 我做老师的成功,是学生不再需要我

