
最新TE导读 | 这期《经济学人》有哪些最值得学的英文?

张海露Eric 英语学习笔记 2021-02-10

 【《经济学人》微导读 No.23】

从 2019 年 8 月 17 日期的《经济学人》中挑了几篇文章,兼顾内容和语言,希望你读得开心,学得充实。


  • 本期有哪些文章值得重点阅读?有哪些看点?我推荐语言、内容、话题都有意思的文章。

  • 本期有哪些值得学、值得背的英文?我会挑几处写得精彩、值得背下来的英文。也会总结一些《经济学人》中高频出现的用法,学最值得学的英文。

  • 本期有哪些值得注意的细节?好玩的地方?我会从熟词生义、标题彩蛋的角度找几处你自己读时可能会忽略的一些细节。

Eric 的第 22 期《经济学人》导读

老规矩,先从 The world this week 开始读,用最短的时间了解这个世界正在关注什么,顺便学点儿实用英文。


Mr Giammattei thinks Guatemala might not be able to honor that commitment.

这里我们可以学到 honor 的使用场景,它和 commitment 搭配,表示“履行承诺”。

学到 honor 的动词用法后可以查下字典,顺便学到例句 He may have to miss the debate to honor his commitment. 他可能不得不错过这次辩论,以免爽约。以后想表示“爽约”,正式一些就可以说成“fail to honor one's commitment”。

After years of on-off negotiations with a plot worthy of a soap opera, Viacom and CBS agreed to merge, reuniting two media companies that were split in 2006 and combining assets such as Paramount and MTV with one of America’s big four networks.

这里的 on-off 值得学习,它经常表示“断断续续的”。我们常说“分分合合”就可以说 Our relationship has been on and off,也可以称它为  an on-off relationship。类似的表达还有 on-again,off-again,《经济学人》常用它形容协商、会谈、政策。

很多人学英语总是立 flag,然后总是从入门到放弃,这种间断性三分钟热血是不是也是 on-again, off-again?



本期的封面文章是 Markets in an Age of Anxiety,第一句话写的就很有意思。金融市场变幻莫测数字背后无数风起云涌,正如浪奔浪流,哪有什么定数:

Looking for meaning in financial markets is like looking for patterns in a violent sea.



...face-recognition systems are spreading like knotweed

knotweed 是种生长极快、容易泛滥成灾的植物(如上图)。《经济学人》常用这样的比如,比如几年前在一篇书评中就写到:The Bronx was burning, graffiti spread like kudzu and muggers owned the parks after dark. 

kudzu 也是类似的植物:

当我们想说某种现象广泛传播、应用,就可以用到 spread like knotweed/kudzu。


熊皮特专栏写 FedEx 的第一段也很好玩,据说当年是创始人 Fred Smith 搏一搏单车变摩托,用扑克让公司免遭破产:

For outsiders, FedEx is synonymous with the business it pioneered: the overnight delivery of packages. For insiders, it might just as well be called FredEx.

这段话很简单,但是工整、清楚、简洁。synonymous 和 pioneer(也常作名词)是我们社群「每日一词」中学过的内容,是《经济学人》的高频用词,大多数人可能人士但并不会用。后面调皮地造了个词:FredEx,表现出这个公司的文化深受创始人影响。


Besides Netflix, a pioneer of video-streaming with a market capitalisation of $131bn, most of the giants were created through mergers. AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner produced a $250bn behemoth. Disney’s takeover of 21st Century Fox in March has created a juggernaut worth just under $240bn. Verizon, another telecoms titan, which in 2015 snapped up AOL, an online portal, comes in at $230bn. Just shy of $200bn, Comcast, a cable company which last year bought Sky, a British satellite broadcaster, is the tiddler of the bunch.

表示大公司用到了 huge,gianttitan,反义词小公司就是 tiddler(常见的同义词还有 minnow)。

说到数字之大用了 behemoth 和 juggernaut,前者出自《圣经》,后者来自印度文化。这几个词混在一起炒,味道相似又有自己的特色,咀嚼起来是真香啊。




Uploading a picture or video from a photogenic spot to sites such as Douyin and Kuaishou is known in China as Daka, meaning “punching the card”. The word is also used to refer to the practice of registering your presence at a location that has already become hot, such as Hongyadong. The aim is not to produce a well-crafted video or beautiful photograph, but simply to show that you have also been to the places that are popular. The beauty of the attraction is less important than the fact that people are flocking there to Daka.




Costing the earth 这篇讲的是一些贫穷国家,由于全球气候变化日子越来越不好过。cost the earth 是个习语,表示“花了大价钱”,这里用 earth 而暗自是和气候变化相关的事件。

And then there were seventeen 讲得是马拉西亚指控 17 岁高盛员工。标题应该是来自阿加莎奶奶的推理小说 And then there were none,中文常译成《无人生还》。

Ground to a halt 是个常见习语,意思是「慢慢停下」。这篇讲的是德国工业产出下降,用 ground to a halt 仿佛是一台高速运行的机器开始出现问题。

The devil in the details 来自常见的习语 the devil is in the details,当我们想说“细节很重要”时就可以用到它。



下面是 1- 14 期《经济学人》导读,点封面图片即可阅读全文:


· 北京站|《经济学人》读写马拉松招募

· 这几条《经济学人》广告,真读懂了吗?

