

张海露Eric 英语学习笔记 2020-01-25


这段话没有什么难度,我对stiff这个词做了一下拓展。在这里它的意思是“硬的,不易弯曲的”,我们也可以用这个词来形容竞争“激烈”,例如stiff competition);还可以表示“生硬的,不友好的”,例如She was aware that her words sounded stiff. 她意识到自己的话听起来很生硬。最后我提到了一个短语,Stiff upper lip,字面意思是“坚硬的上嘴唇”,指的是:

坚定沉着;感情不外露;If you say that someone is keeping a stiff upper lip, you mean that they are not showing any emotion even though it is difficult for them not to.

Stiff upper lip普遍被认为是英国人的品质之一:It’s a commonly held belief – a cliché even: the British are a nation of repressed, emotionally stunted stoics. 1940年秋,德国对英国进行报复性空袭,连续狂轰乱炸伦敦57天,造成4万多人死亡、6万多人受伤,城市建筑大都被夷为平地。可是让人惊奇的是,伦敦人面对流离失所炮火连天表现的非常淡定,甚至为了救援设立的医院都因用不上而改成了军事用途。 一位英国精神科医生(psychiatrist)观察到:

Every hundred yards or so, it seemed, there was a bomb crater or wreckage of what had once been a house or shop. The siren blew its warning and I looked to see what would happen. A nun seized the hand of a child she was escorting and hurried on. She and I seemed to be the only ones who had heard the warning. Small boys continued to play all over the pavements, shoppers went on haggling, a policeman directed traffic in majestic boredom and the bicyclists defied death and the traffic laws. No one, so far as I could see, even looked into the sky.

美国畅销书作家Malcolm Gladwell在David and Goliath中提到了这件事,他说“The typical explanation for the reaction of Londoners is the British “stiff upper lip”—the stoicism said to be inherent in the English character. (Not surprisingly, this is the explanation most favored by the British themselves.)”

然后他指出一个很有趣的现象:“it wasn’t just the British who behaved this way. Civilians from other countries also turned out to be unexpectedly resilient in the face of bombing.” 我们一想到战火硝烟,想到的大多都是兵荒马乱民不聊生怨声载道的情景,但是实际上并不然。加拿大籍精神科专家J. T. MacCurdy在Structure of Morale中提到,面对轰炸有三类人群:

  • the people killed (这些人最惨,但是由于已经死了,无法传播恐慌)

  • near misses (差点就没命,这些人离死亡只有半步之遥,劫后余生,依然心有余悸)

  • remote misses (这些人是战争中的幸运儿,他们觉得自己似乎是有不死之身,他们的存活给了他们勇气和信心,更勇敢的活)

由于remote misses的人要远远多于the people killed和near misses(如上面所说分别是4w和6w多人),轰炸并没有把我们打倒,甚至会让我们“多难兴邦。”


英国的人类情绪历史学者汤玛斯狄森认为,英国人情绪上的自持与坚忍背后的两大动力为科学和帝国主义。英国生物学家达尔文在一八七二年的《人与动物的情感表达》中,说“野人好哭,为小事流泪。” “英格兰人则除至大伤痛外,绝少落泪。” 此外,中上阶级情绪表达也比中下阶级自制。由此可见,英国人的情绪表彰,不但跟人类进化文明有关,还有社会阶级之分。




“Straighten up little soldier, sittffen up that upper lip”,我一度用这段话作为我的微信签名,挺直腰板,不动声色,像个士兵一样。这句话也送给大家。

David and Goliath讲的是“逆袭”的故事,语言难度不大例子有趣,有兴趣读的朋友可以回复关键字“219book”获取电子书。

