

2016-09-20 Eric Z 英语学习笔记



习惯和毅力我已经有了,接下来的只是去行动而已。跑步是一件不需要太费脑子的事情,我可以一边跑步一边听audiobook、podcast 之类的一心二用,听不懂的回头去查查文本,跑步还能练练听力。

如果你怕自己总走神的话可以听一听带有中文讲解的podcast(去搜一下就能找到好多),我平时会听CRI的Round Table圆桌会议,This American Life,现在因为在做两个群,听得更多的是有声书。总之,你对什么感兴趣就去听什么,别只听什么VOA, BBC。

在这里推荐一个App, 叫Zombies, Run!这个应用程序能够在耳机中模拟僵尸追你的声效,让你参与进一个《釜山行》一样的故事,这样跑起来更有意思 -- 前提是你的英语听力还可以。


最后少不了的一点就是读有关的书,顺便还能学点英文。例如我现在正在读 The Beginning Runner's Handbook, 它的中文版很出名《爱上跑步的13周》。

我相信坚持做一件事情核心的力量并不是“坚持”,而是“知识” -- 光说不做和光做不想一样低效,甚至危险。清楚的知道自己想做什么、怎么做,知道自己目前的状态是什么样,对即将发生的经历做好预判,我们才能够坚持下去。这本只写给跑步新手的书是一个不错的出发点。




It is impossible to dive down any road or walk in a park without being reminded that many people choose running as a way to maintain or improve their health.

这种 “It is impossible to ... without...”的句式在《经济学人》中随处可见,这样一句就写出了跑步的人随处可见。这样的句子读起来很容易,可是我们不见得会这样去写,这样的句子就多加留意、模仿。


Running has gained popularity not only because it requires scant equipment and is portable to any site, but because it has been proven to reduce the risk of such conditions as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and depression. And to get these benefits requires an outlay of just a few hours each week. Small wonder that hundreds of thousands of enthusiasts aroud the world find running an iddeal form of exercise and a good path to physical fitness.

这段话就把跑步变得流行的原因写清楚了,可随时发生 (requires scant equipemnt; portable to any site), 有健身功效 (reduce the risk of...), 耗时短 (an outlay of just a few hours)。最后又用了一个small wonder that...来总结,自然、接地气,使读者不禁点头同意。



写这篇文章的一个私心是通过make a public commitment,让自己更能坚持 -- 这是Procrastination一书中的主意:

Tell people what you’re working on and when you’re aiming for completion. People are more serious about a public commitment than one they keep to themselves, and the more public the promise, the more reluctant they are to change it. Having to account to someone else makes it harder to abandon your goal or interrupt your steps toward that goal, because someone else knows your plan. You can no longer avoid your goal in secret. If you tell a friend that you’re determined to lose ten pounds, for example, you’ll probably find it harder to eat dessert. You know she’ll check in with you and ask how you’re coming along, and you won’t want to confess that you ate two pieces of apple pie last night.

13周之后再和大家分享我跑步的感受。最后用村上春树的 What I Talk About When I Talk About Running 中的一句话和大家共勉:

