

2015-10-11 Eric Z 英语学习笔记

有了陈用仪的《英语常用词疑难用法手册》和葛传椝的《葛传椝英语惯用法词典》的词库后,学起英语来就像是有两位大师在随时随地给你指导! 非常感谢这些词库的制作者们 -- they are the unsung heroes!




如果你不知道如何使用词库, 请自行百度。


当我们查字典的时候我们学到了什么: See


1.“看书”不可以说see a book,要说read a book。不过,匆匆看某本书一眼可以用see。

Could I see your book for a second? 我可以看你那本书一眼吗?

2.“看电视”和“看球赛”等变化进程,不能说see TV或see a football game,要说watch TV与watch a football game。这可能是因为电视镜头变换频繁,球赛更是瞬息万变,而see则是看比较固定的东西。而且,watch可以表示对“无头无尾”的过程“观看一段时间”,这个含义用于一天到晚轮番上节目的电视就比较合适。但如果是特定的一个节目,有头有尾看了,就不用watch而用see。因此,看电影用see,看电视则用watch,如果是电视当中的一个特定节目,或是球赛中一个特定事件,由于过程变化减弱了,也可以用see甚至只能用see。

  • Have you ever seen (watched) Chaplin's The Great Dictator? 你看过卓别林的《大独裁者》吗?

  • Did you see/watch the seven o'clock news last night? 昨晚七点钟的新闻电视你看了吗

  • I saw (watched) England's defeat. 我看见了英格兰队被打败。


I've seen the television. 这件事我在电视上看见了(指谈话双方都知道的某一特定电视节目或镜头)。


watch a mystery movie on TV 在电视上看一部侦探片。


I grew up in an unassuming family, where the primary focus was on hard work and education—needles to say, our television time was limited, but as a treat we were allowed to watch old Hollywood movies. (Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2007, p. 13)


3. see除了最普通的“看见”的释义之外,还有一个比较重要但中国人常常不注意的释义,就是“留心、留神、设法办到、负责使之发生”。如果是这个释义,要采取see that…或者see to it that…的结构,that后面的从句的时态按情况用直陈式(不用虚拟式)一般现在时或一般过去时。

  • See to it that everything is ready by 5 p. m. 你要把一切在下午五点以前办好。

  • —I'll finish by Friday. —See to it that you do. —我星期五以前办完。—那你就设法做到吧。

  • We took care of his wounds and saw to it that he got home. 我们给他照料了伤口,设法把他送了回家。

see to it that…来自see to something,是“照料”、“负责”、“管”的意思,因此,see to后面接上名词成分,也有“照料”的意思。

  • Don't you worry about that. I'll see to that. 您就别操这个心了。我来管。

  • A man was there to see to our luggage. 有个人在那里替我们看管行李。

  • I'm too busy to see to everything myself. 我样样事情都要管,忙不过来。

  • There's a customer out there; could you see to him for me? 那边有一位顾客,你能代我接待他一下吗?

  • At his age, he ought to be able to see to his own breakfast. 他这么大了,应该可以自己照料自己的早餐了。

  • —Are you sure she'll come? —I'll see to it myself. —你肯定她会来吗?—我会想办法叫她来的。

如果用see to it that…的形式,不大容易理解错,但如果用see that…的形式(从句动词仍然用直陈式),则容易误解see是无意识的“看见”(其实是有意识的“设法做到”),所以要注意。

  • He would have to see that something was done about this situation. 这个局面,他只好想想办法来收拾。

  • See that the curtains are closed. 注意把窗帘都拉上(不是“看看窗帘都拉上了”)。

  • See that everything is marked with your initials. 所有东西都一律要标上你姓名的缩写。

  • I'll see that the mayor is here to meet you. 我一定让市长到这里来同您见面。

  • Just tell us what you want and we will see that your wishes are carried out. 你想要什么只管说,我们一定设法让你的愿望能实现。

  • But heaven had punished this son, or blessed him, by seeing that he never married. (John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman, Chapter III) 遗憾的是,老天爷惩罚了这个儿子,当然也可以说保佑了他,叫他至今还没娶妻。

see that还可以表示有意识的“检查(客观情况)是否如何”。

…(she) then looking around to see that everything was clean and nice. (Somerset Maugham. The Moon and Sixpence, Chapter XXXIX) 她向四边看了看,是否一切都已收拾整齐。

4. see的主语可以不是人,而是某一时间点或时段,或是某一地点,表示该时或该地发生什么事。

1960 saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions.

5. see作“看见”解时,本来是人的一种不自主的感觉活动,因此通常不能用进行时态。但是在下列意义上,则是自主的行动,可以有进行时态:


The director is seeing the applicants this morning. 局长今天上午在同求职人面谈。


They are seeing the sights. 他们在参观景物。

(c)see about(“安排,设法弄到”)

They are seeing about a work permit for you. 他们正在设法给你弄一张工作许可证。

(d)see to(“处理,修理”)

The plumber is here. He is seeing to the leak in our tank. 管道工在这里。他正在处理我们水箱的漏水问题。

(e)see somebody + 目的地或方向(“陪送到某处”)。

  • see somebody out送某人出门口

  • see somebody home送某人回家

  • see somebody off 给某人送行

  • He's seeing me to my bus. 他现在正在送我上公共汽车。


1. see 的宾语后面的不定式没有 to。例如:I often see him walk up the hill. 但假使把 see 改作被动语态,那不定式便该有 to。

He is often seen to walk up the hill.

I often see him walk up the hill 和 I often see him walking up the hill 意思相仿,用不定式比用分词语气重些。在有“故意看……”的意思的时候通常用不定式。例如:I should like to see you walk up the hill.

I saw him walk up the hill 不论指“故意看见”或“偶然看见”都有“我看着他继续上山”的意思,I saw him walking up the hill 有“他原来在上山,我偶然看见”的意思。

2. 比较下面四句:

I saw him walk up the hill.
I saw him walking up the hill.
Now I saw that he walked up the hill every morning.
Now I saw him to be the man who walked up the hill every morning.

第一句和第二句(参见 1)里的 saw 作“看见”解。第三句和第四句里的 saw 作“知悉”或“了解”解。注意第四句的不定式 be 前面有 to。

3. see 后面可以接宾语和表语。例如:

I hope to see you well again soon.
I was sorry to see him so much changed.
His friends were surprised to see him accused in a murder case.

4. see 有时是“访问”,有时是“接见”。

  • I shall come to see you tomorrow morning.

  • If you call tomorrow morning, I shall be glad to see you.

5. 下面两句都作“我必须留心使他把这信写得不错”解:

  • I will see (that) he writes the letter correctly.

  • I will see to it that he writes the letter correctly.

注意两句里都用 writes(陈述语气),不用 write(虚拟语气)。英国人有用虚拟语气的,但极不普通。

6. 下面四句都作“我希望你能设法解决这件事”解,第一句和第二句比第三句和第四句普通:

I hope you can see your way to settle the matter.
I hope you can see your way to settling the matter.
I hope you can see your way clear to settle the matter.
I hope you can see your way clear to settling the matter.

We cannot see our way (clear) to grant(ing) your request 里的 cannot see our way (clear) to…(ing) 是公文里的客气话,比 cannot…婉转。

7. He saw through it 是“他看穿了它、不被它蒙蔽”。He saw it through 是“他办完了它(并不半途而废)”。

8. I must see to getting the dinner ready 里的 see to 作“注意做到”解,to 是介词,getting 不可改作 get。

9. 注意 I saw him off for Beijing yesterday(我昨天送他动身到北京去)里用 for。

10. see after 和 see into 不及 look after 和 look into 普通。

我们当然不可能一下子消化掉这么多内容,所以勤查勤记,日积月累,我们一定会有突破的 -- 养成一个好的学习习惯会让我们之后学习事半功倍的。

BTW, 用Markdown写作或者整理笔记是一个很方便很有效率的方法。Mac上推荐使用Ulysses; iA Writer;或者Day One

