
推荐你读| 美国人怎么看英国口音

2014-11-13 Eric.Z 英语学习笔记

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请问| 美国人怎么看英国口音(内有萌萌哒美国小哥妹子)



Ali 艾莉



I used to live in England so I may perceive British accents differently than other Americans because I used to have one. Usually I associate British accents as part of my life story. I also feel that British accents remind me of certain things, like tea and gardens. I also have a strange association between a person being British and them being interesting.

I tend to enjoy British accents and find them quite attractive.

Mary 玛丽

美国人怎么看待外国口音这事儿挺有意思的,因为我觉得美国人对有欧洲,澳大利亚和新西兰口音的人接受良好。他们觉得这些口音听起来很性感,很有异域风情 而且十个里有九个人觉得他们听起来更聪明。


(Love Actually 中的屌丝Colin Frissel,在英国找不到女朋友. 背着一大包的"套套" 飞去了美国,下飞机直奔酒吧. 一下子搞定了三个美女 顺便说下, “套套”的英文是condom, 美国叫rubber.)

The reception of foreign accents in the U.S. is interesting because I feel like people with European, Australian or New Zealand accents generally have avery positive reception by the American people. People think they sound sexyand exotic and 9 times out of 10 think they sound smarter.

My favorite example of this is a scene from the movie “Love Actually” where a normal, blue collar British guy flies to Wisconsin and ends up meeting four gorgeous American women because they think his accent is “cute”. On the flip side, though, I see a lot of Americans having limited patience and sympathy interacting with foreigners from South America and Asia.

Taryn 陆冰

我觉得我的想法差不多能代表许多美国姑娘啦,就是我觉得英国口音很 迷人。

作为一个学了好几种外国语言的人,我一直认为口音是很有吸引力的一种东西。一个词如何发音的背后有一种文化厚实感和一点点神秘。一个人的口音自然能给这个人加分。而且,许多(有超级美好口音)的名人来自英国,比如:英国皇室,蛋妮儿(演哈利波特的那位小哥),Adele,缺爷和One Direction.

I think that I speak for most American girls when I say that the British accent is very attractive.

As someone who has studied a few foreign languages,I’ve always found accents appealing. There’s just something about the way certain words sound, the added culture and the mystery behind it all. Having a nice accent can sometimes automatically make someone more attractive. Plus, it certainly helps that many famous people are from England (and also have that glorious accent) — to name a few: the Royal Family, Daniel Radcliffe, Adele,Benedict Cumberbatch and One Direction.

(Benedict Cumberbatch美照一张,他读的有声书简直是人间凶器. 回复数字61可查看"卷福给你讲故事")

Alex 阿里克斯


I think that most Americans believe British accents are cool and refined. Throughout my interactions with people with British accents, I’ve noticed that they definitely get more attention from others because of it. However if I were to be surrounded by people with these types of accents 24/7 in the U.K., I think I would find them a bit much because I am so conditioned to hearing American accents. I also think it is more difficult to discern what a person with a thick British accent is saying.


Ben 本



Every four years, the FIFA World Cup creates a rift between the United States and the rest of the world that is not only cultural, but linguistic. While “football” fans in Europe and South America put life on hold for the duration of the tournament, American “soccer” fans are reminded of their national team’s irrelevance to the game, as well as our ongoing national apathy to the sport (despite its growing popularity).

For the British, America’s insistence on using the term “football” for a sport that is played with one’s hands is one of the most peculiar elements of American exceptionalism. For Americans such as me, the British accent is one of the country’s great charms and curiosities.


所以,英国口音一般会被和睿智,高贵的举止以及好口才 联系在一起。就因为女王是英国最众所周知的人物,我们觉得英国人说话都和白金汉宫的居民一样。同样杯具的是,许多大不列颠人民可能还觉得我们美国人说起话来都和小布什一样呢。

My thoughts about the British accent do not represent the views of the average American because my grandparents come from the British Isles. My mother’s parents are both from Scotland, and my father’s mom is from England. Based on this experience, I’m well aware of the great diversity of dialects within Britain. Speaking for the average American, however, it is fair to say that we associate the British accent with the standard London dialect, which is spoken by British royal family and members of the English upper class.

Consequently, the British accent is associated with erudition, aristocratic manners, and eloquence. Because most Americans identify the Queen as England’s most recognizable public figure, we tend to think that all British people speak like the residents of Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately, many citizens of Great Britain probably think all Americans speak like George W. Bush.

James 詹姆士


很多年轻的美国人不可避免的把他们认识的英国人归到两种套路中: 要么是特别搞笑,要么是特别“高逼格”— 所以在美国高中和大学的英国人基本上就得在这两种认知中挑选。

I study linguistics and have been trained to think about accents scientifically rather than emotionally (but actually), so answering the real question is pretty hard. But answering the general “what do Americans think” question (in my experience):

Young Americans almost invariably force people they interact with who happen to have British accents into one of two stereotypes: funny or posh– and that stereotype becomes their identity in their high school or college community.


回复数字75, 可查看"讲英音的男神们"

回复数字61, 可查看"卷福给你讲故事"



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