
WeChat ID ericzenglish Intro Gradatim Ferociter,一步一步前进,摆脱一切牵绊。 因此今天的主题是: 谈笑风生的自我修养. 下面时长2分钟的视频是节选自半小时的对话 媒体评(tu)价(cao): Issac Stone Fish, put Zuckerberg’s skills “roughly at the level of someone who studied for two years in college, which means he can communicate like an articulate 7-year-old with a mouth full of marbles.” 马克的中文水平如同一个7岁孩子嘴里含着溜溜. Victor Mair at Language Log pegged him at a level “about ¾ of the way through intensive first-year Mandarin,” but still found his efforts impressive. According to Mair, “his tones are indeed a bit wobbly, and his grammar shaky at times, but his pronunciation (vowels and consonants) is generally acceptable, and he has a decent range of vocabulary (actually surprisingly good for someone at his stage of learning the language).” 发音跑调,语法混乱,词汇还成。 马克的正能量 1.自信 (这段话请务必读一下) What is more impressive than Zuckerberg’s command of Mandarin is his relaxed and assured manner. Adults who try to learn foreign languages are most hampered by the problem of self-consciousness, the fear of making mistakes or looking foolish. Not so for Zuckerberg, forging ahead with a smile, on a stage in front of an audience no less. That sort of confident enjoyment in newly acquired language skills goes a long way toward building on those skills. That’s how you really learn a language. 我很喜欢这段的评论:能用自己新学会的一门语言去和当地人交流,这应该是enjoyment. 而不是“心惊胆战”的“my English is poor". 当然,自信很大程度上来自于自身的语言水平。不过从马克的例子来看:中文说成这个样子就可以自信了! 你的英文到这个水平了吗?人家是个身价几百亿的CEO都不怕吐槽,你怕什么? (甚至,经常的事实是:没人把你当回事的

