
One Month Countdown to 8x8! / "八乘八"进入30天倒计时!

We're just one month away from the 8x8 Brewing Project - the new beer festival that pairs 8 breweries from Greater China with 8 breweries from a chosen region around the world so that they can brew 8 kick-ass collaboration beers. For our inaugural year we've partnered with world-class breweries from the Pacific Northwest, one of the birthplaces of the modern craft beer movement. This will be the first time most of their beers have ever been available in Beijing!

They've spent the summer working together to develop collaboration beers that bring together the skill, culture and personality of each brewery. On November 3 & 4, all 16 breweries will gather in Beijing to release their collaborations and pour them alongside their own beers at the 8x8 Festival!

-The 8x8 Festival is spread over two days (Friday and Saturday), with 4 free-flow tasting sessions.
-Each session is 3 hours long, so you've got plenty of time to try as much beer as you'd like!
-The 8 collaboration beers brewed for 8x8 will pour at every session.
-In addition, each brewery will pour two of their own beers at each session, giving you a total of 40 Beers to try at each session, and with new beers on tap each session, that's 136 unique beers throughout the whole festival!
-On Saturday, there will be 90-minute breaks between sessions - a chance to check out the galleries in 798 while you sober up!

Best of all, the visiting brewers will be there in person, so you'll have a chance to learn the stories behind what you're drinking - straight from the source.

Here's a preview of some of the exciting beers you'll find at 8x8:

Pipewrench - by Gigantic Brewery (Portland)

Gigantic IPA and aged for 3 months in locally distilled Ransom Old Tom Gin barrels. A delicious combination of citrusy hops and botanical gin, with a french oak barrel flavor in the finish.

Yama Sichuan Porter - by Moonzen Brewery (HK)

A beast of a porter, with wafts of smoked caramel malts and Sichuan peppercorn, will set your senses on fire as you await King Yama's judgment.

Brotherly Love (2017) - by The Commons Brewery (Portland)

A Belgian Dark Strong Ale aged in second-use Bourbon barrels with Northwest grown sour cherries and Ecuadorian cacao nibs roasted by Woodblock Chocolate in SE Portland.

Scan the QR code below to go to grab tickets for the session of your choice while they're still available!

  • RMB 300 Single session pass (3-hours)

  • RMB 988 All-session pass (Friday & Saturday)

  • RMB 1188 VIP pass (All-session pass + invite to VIP bottle share w/ brewers & an 8x8 T-shirt) ONLY A FEW LEFT
















扳手🔧IPA - Gigantic Brewery (波特兰)


阎罗王四川波特 - 门神酒坊(香港)


兄弟情(2017) -  The Commons Brewery (波特兰)



  • 单时段普通票-300元 (3小时)

  • 四时段通票-988元(周五&周六)

  • VIPtong票-1188元 (仅余少量席位,四时段通票+和全部酿酒大师一起品鉴限量款瓶装啤酒+一件免费T恤)

