
观韬解读 | 疫情影响合同履行,可否援引不可抗力免责?

张政 袁雅南 观韬中茂律所 2022-05-18



作者 | 上海办公室  张政 袁雅南


After the outbreak of the New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic (“Epidemic”), we received several legal consultations during the Spring Festival holidays: in the event that the performance of contract is affected by the Epidemic, can the contracting party be relieved of liability in reliance on force majeure?


Given of the generality of the questions, we hereby summarize our legal opnions in this article for reference.


What is Force Majeure

我国关于 “不可抗力”的法律规定,主要见于《民法总则》、《民法通则》、《合同法》:

Legal provisions for “force majeure” are mainly provided in General Provisions of the Civil Law, General Principles of Civil Law, and Contract Law:




No.  of Article




General Provisions of the Civil Law


Article 180


If a party is unable to perform the civil obligation due to force majeure, the party shall not bear the civil liability. If the law provides otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.


“Force majeure” means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.


General Principles of Civil Law


Article 107


Civil liability shall not be borne for failure to perform a contract or damage to a third party if it is caused by force majeure, except as otherwise provided by law.


Article 153

本法所称的 “不可抗力”,是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。

For the purpose of this Law, “force majeure” means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.


Contract Law


Article 94


The parties may dissolve the contract under any of the following circumstances:

(1) the aim of the contract cannot be attained because of force majeure;


Article 117


If a contract cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure, the obligations may be exempted in whole or in part depending on the impact of the force majeure, unless laws provide otherwise. If the force majeure occurs after a delayed fulfillment, the obligations of the party concerned may not be exempted.

Force majeure as used herein means objective situations which cannot be foreseen, avoided or overcome.


Article 118


Either party that is unable to fulfill the contract due to force majeure shall notify the other party in time in order to reduce losses possibly inflicted to the other party, and shall provide evidence thereof within a reasonable period of time.


To conclude:

1.   从不可抗力的构成要件来看,应同时满足:① 主观上不能预见;② 客观上不能避免、不能克服;

From the perspective of constitutive elements, a force majeure event shall be ① unforeseeable subjectively, and ② unavoidable and insurmountable objectively; 

2.   从不可抗力的发生时间来看,应在当事人出现迟延履行的情形之前;

From the perspective occurring time, a force majeure event shall happen before late performance of contract by the affected party;

3.   从不可抗力的法律效力来看,属法定免责事由,不能约定排除,即使合同无约定仍可依法主张;

From the perspective of legal effect, force majeure is statutory circumstance under which liabilities can be exempted and such exemption cannot be excluded by agreement. A party affected by force majeure can be relieved of liabilities incurred thereby even if the contract is silent on this;

4.   从不可抗力的法律后果来看,根据受不可抗力影响的程度不同,受影响方既可能全部免责,也可能仅部分免责,法律另有规定的除外[1]。

From the perspective of legal consequence, the party affected by the force majeure can be relieved of all or part of the liabilities depending on the influence of the force majeure, unless the law provides otherwise.[1]


Is This Epidemic Outbreak a Force Majeure?


We maintain that it shall be decided on a case-by-case basis whether the Epidemic is a force majerure, after taking into consideration each specific case and analyzing both the subjective and objective elements of force majeure. The judicial precedents relating to SARS and Notice of the Supreme People’s Court on Doing Good Job of Trial and Enforcement by the People’s Court During SARS[2] (Repealed) can be used as reference.


In accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and the spirit in the judicial precedents relating to SARS, we conclude the following criteria when deciding if the the Epidemic is a force majeure:









Subjective Element:   unforeseeable


The Epidemic is a public health emergency. Before the Epidemic, it was impossible for a bona fide third party (i.e. general publics) to foresee its occurrence and the potential difficulties that it caused to contract performance. Therefore, the Epidemic has met the requirement of unforeseeability as required by force majeure.


The Epidmic is unforeseeable



Objective Element:   unavoidable and insurmountable


The Epidemic is a nationwide major public health emergency [3].   Its occurrence and spread will not be impacted by the will of any party. Regardless of reasonable care taken by a party in any specific case, the Epidemic is unavoidable.


On this basis, the following factors shall also be taken into consideration when deciding whether the Epidemic has an unavoidable and insurmountable effect on the performance of the contract in individual cases: ① the specific content of the contract, the method of performance, the period of performance, and ② the government’s actions in the region (including but not limited to the extension of holidays, traffic blockades, restrictions on population movements, ban of large-scale activities, suspension or restriction of main business activities of the enterprises,   etc.) for the purpose of preventing and controlling the Epidemic, and ③ the specific conditions of the parties (for example, in case the performance of a contract highly depends on the contracting party and the contracting party is irreplaceable, is the contracting party unable to perform the contract as it is quarantined or hospitalized due to the Epidemic). Then it shall be further considered if the Epidemic has a direct causal relationship with the non-performance or late  performance of the contract. If there is sufficient evidence that there is direct causal relationship, then there is a force majeure.


It shall be analyzed   case by case


It shall be further illustrated that:



Circumstances that should not be deemed as force majeure

a. 本次疫情的出现,未对个案中合同义务的履行造成实质影响及合同目的落空;

The occurrence of the Epidemic has not materially affected the performance of the contractual obligations and the purpose of the contract is not frustrated;

b. 合同订立于疫情发生之后,或合同在疫情发生之前已处于迟延履行状态。

The contract is concluded after the Epidemic, or the performance of the contract has been delayed before the Epidemic.



Force majeure ≠ Exemptions of all liabilities


Even if the Epidemic constitutes force majeure in a specific case, the legal consequence is not what understood by some parties - “As long as there is a force majeure, all the contracts will be terminated and all liabilities will be relieved.”


In fact, according to the relevant legal regulations and judicial precedents, the possible legal consequences of force majeure include modification or termination of the contract, postponement of performance, and partial or failure of performance. The legal consequences mainly depend on the different degrees of influence on performance of the contracts by force majeure, including the non-performance of the entire contract, partial non-performance of the contract, or delayed performance of the contract.


Therefore, the request made by the contracting party shall be consistent with the degree of influence on the performance of contract. For example, if a contracting party is unable to perform part of the contract due to the Epidemic, but requires that the entire contract be terminated and all liabilities be exempted, it is very likely that the court will not uphold such requirements based on considerations such as facilitating transactions, reducing transaction costs, and the principles of good faith.



Obligations that the debtor should pay attention to

a. 及时通知及举证义务

Obligation of timely notification and burden of proof


According to Article 118 of the Contract Law, it is the statutory obligation of the debtor who intends to rely on force majeure to fulfill the obligation of timely notification and burden of proof. With reference to the relevant precedents of SARS, the evidence admissible by the court includes, but is not limited to, government orders, hospitalization certificates, diagnosed cases, discharge summary, and quarantine certificates.

b. 避免损失扩大义务

Obligation to avoid expansion of loss


Based on the principle of good faith, when a force majeure event occurs, the debtor is obliged to take active measures to minimize or avoid the expansion of losses. If the debtor’s failure to perform aforesaid obligations results in an increase of losses, the debtor should also bear corresponding liabilities based on the extent of its fault.


Other Thoughts: Application of Change of Circumstances


In the previous relevant precedents relating to SARS and the academic opinions of judges on the exemption of liabilities, some people adopted or tended to apply Article 26 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning Application of the “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China” (2) (i.e. change of circumstances) instead of force majeure. [4]


第二十六条 合同成立以后客观情况发生了当事人在订立合同时无法预见的、非不可抗力造成的不属于商业风险的重大变化,继续履行合同对于一方当事人明显不公平或者不能实现合同目的,当事人请求人民法院变更或者解除合同的,人民法院应当根据公平原则,并结合案件的实际情况确定是否变更或者解除。

Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning Application of the “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China” (2)

Article 26  Where any significant change in the objective environment has taken place after the formation of a contract which could not have been foreseen by the relevant parties at the time of entering into the contract, and does not belong to any commercial risk occasioned by any force majeure cause, rendering the continual performance of the contract manifestly unfair to the relevant party or rendering it impossible to realize the goal of the contract, the People’s Court shall confirm whether the contract shall be varied or dissolved in accordance with the principle of justice taking into account the actual circumstance, where a relevant party petitions a People’s Court to vary or dissolve the contract.


In terms of the impact of this Epidemic, legal workers may use change of circumstances as an alternative when making liability exemption plan and response strategy based on specific cases, especially when there is no evidence to prove that the Epidemic has “insurmountable” impact on the performance of the contract. As change of circumstances is also an unforeseeable and unavoidable situation, it can be applicable where it only causes the performance of contract to be difficult or unnecessary; in other words, it is possible to perform the contract, but such performance will cause a serious imbalance between the interests of the two parties and is obviously unfair to one party.


Due to space limitations, in this article we briefly summarizes the differences between force majeure and change of circumstances, and we hope it can help the reader choose the application of force majeure or change of circumstances in specific cases: [5]




Force Majeure


Change of Circumstances


Nature of the Right


Right of termination is a right of formation


Right of termination is a right to claim


Initiation of the Right


The court can apply according to its functions and powers


It shall be initiated by the contracting party


Scope of Application


Generally not apply to request for monetary debt


May not apply to request for monetary debt


Both liabilities for breach and tort can be relieved


Mainly apply to contract; not applicable to relief of tort liability


Legal Responsibilities


Mainly to relieve or alleviate the liabilities of the contracting party


Mainly to resolve the problem of unbalanced interests between the parties

[1] 例如:《合同法》第311条 不可抗力情况下承运人的赔偿责任、第314条 不可抗力导致货物灭失的运费处理等。

For example, carrier’s liability for loss in case of force majeure in Article 311 of the Contract Laws, the allocation of freight in case of loss of products caused by force majeure in Article 314 of the Contract Law.

[2] 《最高人民法院关于在防治传染性非典型肺炎期间依法做好人民法院相关审判、执行工作的通知》(注:该文件现已废止)

第三条第三款  由于“非典”疫情原因,按原合同履行对一方当事人的权益有重大影响的合同纠纷案件,可以根据具体情况,适用公平原则处理。因政府及有关部门为防治“非典”疫情而采取行政措施直接导致合同不能履行,或者由于“非典”疫情的影响致使合同当事人根本不能履行而引起的纠纷,按照《中华人民共和国合同法》第一百一十七条和第一百一十八条的规定妥善处理。

Notice of the Supreme People’s Court on Doing Good Job of Trial and Enforcement by the People’s Court During SARS (Repealed) Article 3 (3): Contractual disputes where performance in accordance with the original contract will have a significant impact on the rights and interests of one party due to SARS can be resolved on the basis of fairness according to the specific circumstances. If a contract cannot be performed because of administrative measures taken by the government and relevant departments to prevent SARS, or the contracting party cannot perform the contract due to SARS, the disputes arising therefrom shall be properly resolved in accordance with Articles 117 and 118 of Contract Law of the People's Republic of China.

[3] 截至2020年01月30日,大陆31省(自治区、直辖市)均已启动重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应。

By January 30, 2020, first-level response to major public health emergencies had been lauched by all 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) in the mainland.

[4] 例一:(2018)鲁06民终268号,例二:《不可抗力的构成要件与判断标准》,郭扬辉,中国法院网,https://www.chinacourt.org/article/detail/2014/01/id/1172505.shtml

Example #1: (2018) Lu 06 Minzhong No. 268 ; Example 2 Elements of Force Majeurce and its judgment standard, Guo Yanghui, China Court Website https://www.chinacourt.org/article/detail/2014/01/id/1172505.shtml

[5] 最高人民法院《关于适用<中华人民共和国合同法>若干问题的解释(二)》之情势变更问题的理解与适用,曹守晔

Understanding and Application of Change of Circumstances in Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning Application of the “Contract Law of the People's Republic of China” (2) , Cao Shouye



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