
观韬视点 | 全球的立法趋势及中国的法律现状(中英双语)

2017-12-14 程顺 麦俊健 观韬中茂律所

数字货币时代:全球的立法趋势及中国的法律现状 The Age of Digital Currency: Changing Landscape of Global Regulations and its Legal Status in China  

作者 | 观韬中茂悉尼办公室管理合伙人程顺律师、麦俊健律师 

Author | Shun Cheng and Calvin Mai of Guantao & CS Lawyers(Sydney)




The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2017 (the Bill) has passed both house on 7 December 2017, [1] which means the Federal Government of Australia will regulate the activities of digital currency exchange services providers. It is the latest piece of legislation which embarks on the global trend of regulating cryptocurrency.


Summary of the Legislations and Regulations in Australia


Prior to the Bill, the Australia Government has applied new taxation treatment of digital currency from 1 July 2017 to effectively remove digital currencies as from the list of intangible property that was subject to 10% of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which aims to promote Bitcoin transactions. [2] The taxation treatment of digital currency also provides an insight of the perception of the Australian policy makers: digital currency is neither money nor a foreign currency and the supply of digital currency is not a financial supply for goods and services. It is akin to a barter arrangement. Note that the transaction of digital currency is still subject to CGT.


  • 设立数字货币交易登记名录(Digital Currency Exchange Register)记录所有获得澳大利亚交易报告和分析中心(Australian Transactions Reports and Analysis Centre,AUSTRAC)批准进行虚拟货币交易服务的服务提供商的相关信息;

    The establishment of a Digital Currency Exchange Register recording details of those approved by Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) to provide digital currency exchange services.

  • 更新对数字货币的法律定义:不经由政府发行或授权发行的,可以用作金钱进行交换或可以作为对价换取商品和服务的一种交易媒介,储存一定经济价值的数字化价值标示,或一种经济利益的计量单位。

    Updated definition of digital currency: a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a store of economic value, or a unit of account that is not issued by, or under the authority of, a government body, and is interchangeable with money in that it may be used as consideration for the supply of goods or services.


  • 要求数字货币交易服务提供商履行下列责任:

    Imposed the following requirements to the digital currency exchange services providers:


1. 加入澳大利亚交易报告和分析中心并在数字货币交易登记名录进行登记:

Enrol with AUSTRAC and register on Digital Currency Exchange Register: 

  1. 登记的批准可以附条件并在一定的情况下被取消;

    The registrations can be granted subject to conditions and, in some circumstances, cancellation;

  2. 在没有进行登记的情况下提供交易服务是犯罪行为。相应惩罚包括2年或以下有期徒刑,可并附500个单元的罚金(目前等于澳元$105,000)。上述的刑罚针对初犯,对于屡犯者有更严厉的惩罚。草案同时允许相应机关通过民事处罚方式追诉违法者,按照目前的惩罚标准计算,对违法公司最多可达澳元$210万,对违法个人最多为澳元$420万。

    It will be a criminal offence to provide digital currency exchange services without an AUSTRAC registration. Penalties of up to 2 years’ imprisonment and/or 500 penalty units (currently equal to $105,000) apply for a first offence, with significantly increased penalties applying for repeat offences. Offenders can alternatively be pursued under the civil penalty provisions which currently provide for penalties of up to $2.1 million for corporations and $420,000 for individuals.

2. 必须进行客户尽职调查,确认并核实客户身份;

Perform customer due diligence by identifying and verifying the identities of their customers.

3. 向澳大利亚交易报告和分析中心汇报可疑事项、国际交易和涉及多于实体价值$10,000澳元以上的任何其他交易;

Report to AUSTRAC certain suspicious matters, international transactions and any transactions involving physical currency of $10,000 or more;

4. 使用并保持使用反洗钱和反恐程序以发现和管理通过虚拟货币交易进行洗钱和资助恐怖活动的风险;

Adopt and maintain an anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing program to identify and manage money laundering and terrorism financing risks;

5. 保存所有交易记录以及客户信息7年;

Keep certain records about transactions and customer identification for 7 years.


Influence to global legislations


The UK Treasury reveals earlier in December that the UK government and EU Government are looking into regulating virtual currency to bring it in line with the existing anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financial legislation. [3] Considering the similar legislative intention, it is expected that EU and UK governments will adopt similar approaches of the Australian Government.


Currently in the United States of America, the federal government has not exercised its constitutional pre-emptive power to regulate blockchain and digital currency to the exclusion of states. [4]


Earlier this year, several governments including Vietnam, Indonesia and China decided to halt virtual currency trading. [5] In September, China clamped down on cryptocurrency trading by banning initial coin offerings and has labelled virtual currency as illegalby releasing two notices:

  • 中国人民银行等七部委合发《关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》;

    Notice of Seven Ministries Including the People’s Bank of China on Guard against Risks of Token Offering and Financing (released on September 4, 2017); and

  • 《关于对代币发行融资开展清理整顿工作的通知》整治办函【2017】99号。

    Notice on the Rectification of Token Offering and Financing Activities (Zheng Zhi Ban Han [2017] No.99) (circulated internally on September 2, 2017 by the Office of Internet Financial Risks Rectification Working Group among its local offices).


The above notices revealed the concerns of Chinese government regarding virtual currency:

1. 对于虚拟货币的法律定义难以与现有的财产权以及金融衍生品的分类兼容;

Definition of virtual currency does not sit well with the legal definition of currency, category of property and financial products;

2. 虚拟货币交易会影响金融市场的稳定性;

The exchange of virtual currency will affect the stability of financial market;

3. 虚拟货币或会被用于资助犯罪和恐怖活动;

Virtual currency could be utilised to fund crimes or terrorism;

4. 包括非法集资和金融骗局等非法的金融活动。

Illegal Financial Activity including illegal public financing and financial scams.


Considering the scale of blockchain related industries and the proliferation/ market penetration of e-finance in China, observers see this as a temporary measure and not a permanent ban. 


We expect that when the ban is lifted, similar regulatory approaches in the Bill may be adopted by the Chinese government to eliminate the above mentioned concerns. We believe that Chinese government will re-characterise the legal definition of virtual currency so as to distinguish digital currency from traditional currency, and to establish monitoring authority and to impose tightened legal obligations to digital currency exchange services providers.


The text of the Bill and its explanatory memorandum are available at the Parliament of Australia: 


[2]关于财政法修正案(2017年第6号)2017 (联邦)的全文和立法解释参见:

Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures No. 6) Act 2017 (Cth), the text of the Act and its explanatory memorandum are available at the Parliament of Australia: 



See article of Julia Kollewe of Guardian dated 5 December 2017: 



See Article of Joanna Diane Caytas of the Columbia Science and Technology Law Review dated 30 May 2017: 



See article of Charlie Osborne of ZDNet: 




If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:


Shun Cheng


Managing Partner, Guantao & CS Lawyers (Sydney)

T: +61 2 9002 0999

E: Shun.cheng@cslawyers.com.au; chengshun@guantao.com



Calvin Mai


Solicitor, Guantao & CS Lawyers (Sydney)

T: +61 2 9002 0999

E: Calvin.mai@cslawyers.com.au; Calvin.mai@guantao.com


电话:+8610 6657 8066

传真:+8610 6657 8016




