
汇业评论|Five Takeaways from Arrangement between Mainland and HKSAR

潘志成 汇业法律观察 2022-09-24

文 | 潘志成 合伙人 汇业律师事务所


Five Takeaways from The Arrangement ConcerningMutual Assistance in Court-ordered Interim Measures in Aid of ArbitralProceedings between Mainland and HKSAR


On October 1, 2019, The Arrangement Concerning Mutual Assistance in Court-ordered interimMeasures in Aid of Arbitral Procedures between the Mainland and Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region (FS [2019] No. 14, hereinafter referred to as “TheArrangement”) signed by the Supreme People’s Court of the Mainland and theDepartment of Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region hasofficially come into force. On October 8, 2019, the first working day after theNational Day holiday in Mainland China, the first application for interimmeasures in aid of arbitral proceedings in Hong Kong was submitted to ShanghaiMaritime Court.



The Arrangement is noteworthy to lawyers whopractice in the field of international commercial arbitration and in-housecounsels who might be involved into international commercial arbitration.Although this document may not completely tilt the balance between courtlitigation and arbitration as two optional dispute resolution forms forinternational commercial disputes, it does have great impact on internationalcommercial arbitration practice between the Mainland and Hong Kong, and may havepotential influence over the selection of dispute resolution forms and thedrafting of the arbitration clause. The followings are the five takeaways fromthis Arrangement:


Takeaway1: International commercial arbitrationlacks institutional arrangement for cross-border enforcement of interimmeasures


When selecting dispute resolution forms forinternational commercial disputes, the parties would consider the respectiveadvantages and disadvantages of both court litigation and arbitration, and makeselection according to this comparison result. Compared with court litigation,arbitration has a number of advantages. For instance, among members of the NewYork Convention, they could recognize and enforce the arbitral awards accordingto this Convention, guarantee the expertise of the adjudicator by selectingarbitrators, increase procedural flexibility, as well as the confidentiality ofarbitration by choosing arbitral center, place of arbitration, arbitrationlanguage and arbitration rule.


However, compared with court proceedings,arbitration also has some disadvantages, such as the lack of an appeal mechanismfor re-examining the arbitral award, and the difficulty of handling non-singlecontract disputes between multiple parties. Among the disadvantages ofarbitration, the most frequently mentioned disadvantage to arbitration is thelack of any coercive procedural supporting measure or interim measures, and itis impossible for an arbitral center to compel discovery, attendance of witnesslike in court proceedings, let alone property preservation, evidencepreservation, or behavior preservation. If a party to arbitral proceedingsneeds interim measures to protect its rights, despite that based upon Article17 of UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration or the arbitration rules of some arbitralcenter such as the SIETAC, an arbitral center dose have power to grant interimmeasures, an arbitral center can not enforce such coercive measures, and theparty eventually needs to rely on national courts to cooperate and enforce suchinterim measures.


In domestic arbitration cases that do not involvecross-border enforcement, a party to arbitral proceedings may apply for property preservation or evidence preservation based upon Articles 28 and 46 of The Arbitration Law of China, and the arbitral center shall forward such application to the court where theproperty or evidence is situated based upon relevant provisions of The Civil Procedural Law.However, for international commercial arbitration with cross-border enforcement factor involved, when a domestic court recognizes and enforces foreign internationalcommercial arbitral award under the New York Convention, such recognizable arbitralaward usually would be interpreted as an effective and binding award issued byforeign arbitral center, while the interim measures such as temporary injunctive measures usually would not be treated as final awards, so it is difficult to obtain recognition and enforcement by courts.


Takeaway 2: New York Convention will not beapplicable to the cross-border enforcement between the Mainland and HKSAR


In particular, regarding the cross-bordercommercial disputes between the Mainland and HKSAR, whether the provisions ofthe New York Convention could cover interim measures is not the only trouble,an even bigger trouble is that the New York Convention does not apply tocross-border enforcement between the Mainland and HKSAR. According to thereservations declared by China when it acceded to the New York Convention, onlythe arbitral awards made in the territory of another sovereign state arerecognized and enforced, and after the restoration of sovereignty over HongKong, Hong Kong no longer belongs to the territory of another sovereign state.Therefore, the issue of cross-border enforcement between the Mainland and HKSARis no longer subject to the New York Convention.



For cross-border commercial arbitration between theMainland and HKSAR, the two sides recognize and enforce arbitral award througha series of mutual assistance legal documents, such as The Arrangement on Mutual Enforcement of Arbitral Awards between theMainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (FS [2000] No.3) and The Notice of Relevant Issues ConcerningEnforcing Hong Kong Arbitral Award in the Mainland (F [2009] No. 415).However, even within the aforementioned legal documents, there is no provisionexplicitly provides how a court should deal with the interim measures rendered byan arbitral center.



Against this background, the lack of coerciveprocess supporting measures and interim measures becomes a noticeableshortcomings of arbitration in international commercial dispute resolution. Ifthe nature of a potential dispute might need such coercive measures, theparties probably would prefer court litigation to arbitration.


Takeaway 3: The Arrangement makes a breakthrough incross-border enforcement of interim measures


The Arrangement which has come into force on October 1 2019 could betreated as an action taken by the Supreme Court of China and the Department ofJustice of Hong Kong to fix the shortcomings of arbitration in term ofcross-border enforcement.



According to Article 3 of the Arrangement, a party to arbitral proceedingsin Hong Kong may, before the arbitral award is made, by reference to theprovisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the P.R.C., the Arbitration Law of theP.R.C. and relevant judicial interpretations, make an application for interimmeasures to the Intermediate People’s Court of the place of residence of theparty against whom the application is made (“respondent”) or the place  wherethe property or evidence is situated. If the place of residence of therespondent or the place where the property or evidence is situated falls withinthe jurisdiction of different people’s courts, the applicant shall make anapplication to any one of those people’s courts, but shall not make separateapplications to two or more people’s courts.



Based upon the same Article, a party to arbitral proceedings in Hong Kongmay make application for interim measures either before or after application for arbitration to the corresponding mainland people’s court. Where anapplication for interim measures is made after the relevant institution orpermanent office has accepted the arbitration case, the party’s applicationshall be passed on to the mainland people’s court by the said institution orpermanent office. Where a party makes an application for interim measure beforethe relevant institution or permanent office has accepted the arbitration case,but the people’s court of the Mainland has not received a letter from the saidinstitution or permanent office certifying its acceptance of the arbitrationcase within 30 days after the interim measures is taken, the people’s court ofthe Mainland shall discharge the interim measure.


Article 4 of the Arrangement clarifies the documents and materials to besubmitted by a party to arbitral proceedings in Hong Kong when applying forinterim measures, including the application for interim measures, the arbitrationagreement, documents of identity, the request for arbitration and theacceptance certificate, etc. The documents of identity need to be certified. Alldocuments must be submitted with Chinese translation if they are in foreignlanguages. Article 5 of the Arrangement sets out the contents to be specifiedwithin the application for interim measure.



According to Article 8 of the Arrangement, after accepting the applicationfor interim measures by a party to the arbitral proceedings in Hong Kong, a People’s court of the Mainland may require the applicant to provide security.After examination and being satisfied that the party’s application for interimmeasure is in accordance with the law of the requested place, the court of therequested place shall make a decision or order for interim measure. TheArrangement does not clearly specify the time limit for a Mainland court tomake a decision or order. It only provides that a requested court shall examinethe application for interim measure expeditiously.


To sum up, the parties to the arbitration proceedings in Hong Kong have arelatively clear institutional arrangement for applying for preservationmeasures. This institutional arrangement has to some extent compensated the disadvantages of arbitration in international commercial dispute resolution procedures and temporary injunction measures, thereby reducing the concerns ofparties in the choice of international commercial arbitration. At the sametime, considering that there is no such institutional arrangement in the NewYork Convention, after the Arrangement cames into effect, the local arbitrationinstitutions and the arbitration industry in Hong Kong will gain a competitiveadvantage when compared with overseas arbitration institutions that have nosimilar institutional arrangements.


Takeaway 4: Not every arbitration in HKSAR could applyfor assistance of interim measures in Mainland China 


Even after the Arrangement becoming effect, notevery arbitration in Hong Kong could apply for assistance of interim measuresin Mainland China. Arbitration which is eligible to the Arrangement should havethe place of arbitration in HKSAR, and the arbitration institution or itspermanent office should be within the list submitted by HKSAR to the MainlandSupreme Court. This means that a large number of ad hoc arbitrations in HongKong and arbitrations administered by arbitration institutions not included withinthe above list will not be able to apply for interim measures from Mainlandcourts through the Arrangement.



Nevertheless, in accordance with the aforementioned The Notice of Relevant Issues Concerning Enforcing Hong Kong Arbitral Award in the Mainland (F [2009] No. 415), thefinal arbitral award issued by ad hoc arbitrations in Hong Kong or arbitrationsadministered by arbitration institutions outside the list, could still beenforced by the courts in Mainland China, through The Arrangement on Mutual Enforcement of Arbitral Awards between theMainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (FS [2000] No.3), as long as there is no unenforceable issue.


Takeaway 5: Not every type of interim measurescould be granted by Courts in Mainland China 


There are only three types of interim measures thatcould be applied for with the Mainland courts through the Arrangement, namelyproperty preservation, evidence preservation and behavior preservation, whichare also stipulated by the relevant laws in Mainland China. The coercive proceduralsupporting measures that foreign courts could make, such as compel discovery,can not be applied for with the Mainland courts through the Arrangement.






