
展览预告 | 内部的流动:“明日笔记”巡回展III

四方当代美术馆 四方当代美术馆 2021-09-05


The Infallible Interior”: The Third Tour of the ExhibitionNotes for Tomorrow


Exhibition Duration: June 25 - September 5, 2021


Opening: 2 pm, June 25, 2021


Venue: Sifang Art Museum, Nanjing


Organized by Sifang Art Museum, Nanjing and Independent Curators International


Guest Curator: Su Wei


自由图书馆:教育、启迪与行动(美国)、马蒂哈·艾贾斯(巴基斯坦)、埃内斯托·鲍蒂斯塔(萨尔瓦多)、梅夫·布伦南(英国)、瓦吉科·查赫基亚尼(格鲁吉亚)、卢克·洛昆·程(美国)、诺珊多·奇温加(津巴布韦)、谢扎得·达乌德(英国)、德米安·迪内亚治(美国)、卡奥·吉马良斯(巴西)、韩磊(中国)、伊拉娜·哈里斯-巴布(美国)、叶山岭(日本)、阿姆莉塔·赫皮(澳洲邦加隆与纳普希部落地区)、胡介鸣(中国)、INVASORIX(墨西哥)、塔玛斯·卡萨斯(匈牙利)、阿里·卡兹玛(土耳其)、李然(中国)、大卫·洛萨诺(哥伦比亚)、莫娜·玛祖克(埃及)、乔伊瑞·米纳亚(美国)、皮特·莫林(加拿大)、Omehen(菲律宾)、丹妮拉·奥尔蒂斯(秘鲁)、克里斯蒂娜·凯·罗宾逊(美国)、路易斯·罗克(巴西)、马克·萨尔瓦杜斯(菲律宾)、佘海晴(中国)、石青(中国)、四方工程艺术小组(中国、韩国)、易卜拉希马·蒂亚姆(塞内加尔)、u/n multitude(俄罗斯)、王亚敏(中国)、王雨超(中国)、韦佳(中国)、韦恩·考穆阿利依·西湖(美国夏威夷)、阎实(中国)、杨威(中国)、赵半狄(中国)

Participating Artists: 

Madiha Aijaz, Ernesto Bautista, Maeve Brennan, Vajiko Chachkhiani, Luke Luokun Cheng, Nothando Chiwanga, Shezad Dawood, Demian DinéYazhi’, Cao Guimarães, Han Lei, Ilana Harris-Babou, Rei Hayama, Amrita Hepi, Hu Jieming, INVASORIX, Tamás Kaszás, Ali Kazma, Li Ran, A Liberated Library for Education, Inspiration, and Action (Chicago ACT Collective, Interrupting Criminalization, Read/Write Library, Undocumented Projects), David Lozano, Mona Marzouk, Joiri Minaya, Peter Morin, Omehen, Daniela Ortiz, Kristina Kay Robinson, Luiz Roque, Mark Salvatus, She Haiqing, Shi Qing, Ibrahima Thiam, u/n multitude, Wang Yamin, Wang Yuchao, Wei Jia, Wayne Kaumualii Westlake, Yan Shi, Yang Wei, and Zhao Bandi



Contributing Curators: 

Charles Campbell, Freya Chou, Giulia Colletti, Veronica Cordeiro, Allison Glenn, Tessa Maria Guazon, PJ Gubatina Policarpio, Ivan Isaev, Ross Jordan, Drew Kahuʻāina Broderick and Josh Tengan, Esteban King Álvarez, João Laia, Luis Carlos Manjarrés Martínez, Fadzai Veronica Muchemwa, Lydia Y. Nichols, Marie Hélène Pereira, Balimunsi Philip, Josseline Pinto, Florencia Portocarrero, Shahana Rajani, Rachel Reese, Marina Reyes Franco, Mari Spirito, Alexandra Stock, Su Wei, Eszter Szakács, Abhijan Toto, Fatoş Üstek, and Sharmila Wood


Sifang Art Museum presents The Infallible Interior, the first presentation in China of the international touring exhibition Notes for Tomorrow, initiated by Independent Curators International (ICI). This exhibition, co-organized by Sifang Art Museum and ICI and curated by guest curator Su Wei, will be on view from June 25 to September 5, 2021.


Notes for Tomorrow is an exhibition conceived by ICI, featuring artworks selected by 30 curators based in 25 countries around the world to reflect on a new global reality ushered in by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this cultural moment of transition, each work is a source of inspiration from the recent past and a guiding perspective for the future. The exhibition addresses art’s potential in the construction of collective memory in a global era. We learn the importance of sustaining and sharing different forms of knowledge, prompting us to re-imagine our conceptions of the future. The Infallible Interior involves more Chinese artists' practices in the hope of creating a dialogue between the local and the global.





Shezad Dawood

Leviathan Cycle, Episode 3: Arturo, 2017

single screen, 17:25 mins

Commissioned by Leviathan – Human & Marine Ecology




INVASORIX (cc) by- sa 4.0


Nadie aquí es ilegal | Here No One Is Illegal, 2014


INVASORIX (cc) by- sa 4.0


The global epidemic and the constant unprecedented emergencies have suddenly awakened us to the fact that every territory is becoming central. The center implies urgency, convergence and action. Now, countless new centers are dashing global hierarchies and their discourse. In the meantime, imaginary borders are also giving way: the divide between East and West, the discursive borders between the global and the local, as well as the limits that chart the boundary of institutions and any like borders that mark our socio-political identities. They’ve invariably failed us. 


By saying that borders are giving way and everywhere in the world can be its own center, it also means that innumerable “interiors” are happening anew in new ways. They either revolutionize and metamorphosize, or deepen into further corruption. They can turn into impenetrable hard rocks that resist all challenges, or into single islands separated from one another. These “interiors” create new problems for globalism and its inherent dialogicality. The interior is no longer a zone where the communication between heterogeneous cultures is blocked. Rather, it becomes the center of all communication and the hub all linguistic inaccessibility. In today's moment of re-division, we have to confront again these long latent questions about interior and exterior, with the hope that a language that could eventually speak about the global and the local explicitly and implicitly, can be created.



致谢艺术家、柏林Daniel Marzona画廊与东京澡堂画廊

Vajiko Chachkhiani

Winter Which Was Not There (film still), 2017

Courtesy of the artist, Daniel Marzona, Berlin, and SCAI The Bathhouse, Tokyo





David Lozano

Hortua Inhospitalario, 2016/2017

digital photograph

Courtesy of the artist


At this particular time in history, some art practitioners are placed in a situation where they are briefly disconnected from the art system and simultaneously thrown into an upside-down world of life due to the continued closure and social distance restrictions. As a result of the total change in the mode of closure and communication, they look inside the cultural system in which they live. Once again, the system and its practices are put on trial. In this everlasting confrontation, the domain of human, the imaginary of freedom and community, will also emerge once again. This accomplishes a particular state of work.


No. 20281,2020


47 x 53.5 cm


Wei Jia

No. 20281, 2020

ink and xuan paper collage on paper

47 x 53.5 cm

Courtesy of the artist





Yan Shi

010013(still), 2019

HD 4K video, 16:9, 12:00 min

Courtesy of the artist


This exhibition brings together the work of 40 artists from around the world that are the product of this particular state of work. Their work cannot be only covered by the local nature that is the opposite of secularized globalism. In the exhibition, we attempt to address the precarious issue of exterior and interior conflict in contemporary culture today by creating a context of "flow of interiors" that connects heterogeneous artistic practices confronting existing institutions. To what extent is the inwardness of a particular historical moment can be shared, and in what sense do their imaginings of historical residues and future institutions form a common call? On the other hand, the exhibition also attempts to create a dialogue between artistic practices from China and the other, a dialogue that provides us with texts to consider in order to identify the multiplicity of China and its meanings, and to confront the linguistic dilemmas that continue from the middle of the last century.


降临——光被冻结 缠绕在充满气体的雕像周围,2020



Yang Wei

Befall - The Light Is Frozen and Wrapped Around the Statue Filled with Gas, 2020

TPU industrial rubber, air bag, ballistic coating, polymeric resin, purple copper, refrigeration compressor, resonator, smoke repellent bottle,carbon steel, gas

Courtesy of the artist






She Haiqing

Perpetuum, 2021

 solar display stand, glassware, drills, wire brushes,

sand disks, polisher, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate

Courtesy of the artist


Notes for Tomorrow is a traveling exhibition organized and produced by Independent Curators International (ICI) and initiated by Frances Wu Giarratano, Becky Nahom, Renaud Proch, and Monica Terrero. The exhibition was made possible with the generous support of the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, VIA Art Fund, and ICI’s Board of Trustees and International Forum.


The presentation at Sifang Art Museum has received additional support provided by Nanjing Pukou Culture & Tourism Development Group, Nanjing Foshou Lake Architecture & Art Development Limited and Sifang Cultural Group.



About “Independent Curator’s International”

Independent Curator’s International (ICI) supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement. Curators are arts community leaders and organizers who champion artistic practice, build essential infrastructures and institutions, and generate public engagement with art. Our collaborative programs connect curators across generation and across social political and cultural borders. They form an international framework for sharing knowledge and resources–promoting cultural exchange, access to art and public awareness for the curator’s role.


苏  伟

Su Wei

苏伟(生于北京)是生活在北京的策展人、写作者。他最近几年的工作聚焦于对中国当代艺术历史的重绘和深描,探索其合法性和断裂性的根源。2012年,他参加了独立策展人国际(ICI,Independent Curators International)纽约的策展课程。2014年,他获得首届国际艺术批评奖(IAAC)第一名。2017-2020年,他担任北京中间美术馆高级策展人。

About Guest Curator Su Wei

Su Wei (born in Beijing) is an art writer and curator based in Beijing. After conducting his Ph.D research in Berlin between 2008 and 2010, he received his Ph.D at Institute for Foreign Literature, Chinese Academy for Social Sciences (CASS). His recent work focuses on re-depicting and deepening of the history of Chinese contemporary art, exploring the roots of its legitimacy and rupture. He participated in the 2012 Curatorial Intensive at Independent Curators International (ICI) in New York. In 2014, he was awarded first place at the first International Awards for Art Criticism (IAAC). He was the Senior Curator of Inside-Out Museum Beijing between 2017 and 2020.


The Infallible Interior”: 

The Third Tour of the Exhibition Notes for Tomorrow


Organized by

合 作 支 持

Supported by



展期|Exhibition Duration


May 1, 2021-July 1, 2021



F1, Block A, IST MALL, Nanjing



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