
NOW, foreigners don't need to verify identity at railway station

Follow me → Expat Focus 2023-12-03

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Since 2004

On November 28, the railway department launched an online identity verification service for foreign passport holders.

Previously, before buying tickets online for the first time, foreign passengers need to take valid original passport used to buy the ticket to the ticket counter at a railway station for identity verification.

Now foreign passengers can log in to the 12306 website or its App, fill in their name, nationality, passport number to complete verification online automatically.  You can also submit a photo of your passport information page online, which will be manually verified.

The railway department reminds that foreign passengers can purchase tickets and take train only after passing the identity verification. Passengers holding foreign passports are asked to check the identity verification status in time and complete the identity information verification as soon as possible to avoid affecting the purchase of tickets and travel. More service information can be inquired through the 12306 website.


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