
Report | Southwest China Position Paper 2021/2022 Released

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On 20th April, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China’s Southwest China Chapter released the Southwest China Position Paper 2021/2022, which contains constructive recommendations for both the development of the Chengdu-Chongqing Two-City Economic Circle (Economic Circle) and improving the region’s business environment in general.

The Southwest China Chapter believes that the creation of the Economic Circle—which will become China’s fourth economic city-cluster—should mean that the days of Chengdu and Chongqing competing for resources and investment are over. Instead, the focus should shift towards cooperation and identifying synergies between the two cities to unlock the region’s huge potential. The Southwest China Chapter welcomes this and the additional business opportunities it will bring. A key part of this ambitious development goal will entail creating an open and competitive business environment, in which all companies have fair market access, and that the region remains both welcoming and attractive to foreign nationals.

Since the publication of the last Southwest China Position Paper in 2019, progress has been made in some areas, but certain longstanding challenges remain. For example, foreign-invested companies continue to experience regulatory and administrative barriers, and struggle to access clear, consistent information on policies and regulations that affect their operations in the region. Business opportunities for European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are also becoming scarcer, unless they have sought-after technologies or other unique strengths in line with China’s ambitious industrial policies.

20th April


“The first step towards improving the business environment for all companies in Southwest China and making the Economic Circle an economically vibrant and competitive region is establishing regular, meaningful dialogue between the local authorities and industry,” said Massimo Bagnasco, vice president of the European Chamber and chair of Southwest China Chapter. “It is my sincere hope that both the Chengdu and Chongqing governments will receive the constructive recommendations presented in this report in the spirit of cooperation in which they are offered, to help Southwest China realise its full potential.”


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