

CF40研究部 中国金融四十人论坛 2020-03-29

带着种种疑问,我们近日与国际经济学者连线进行深度分析解读,今日推出该系列第一篇,访谈对象为美国智库大西洋理事会高级研究员、美国财政部原亚洲事务副助理部长Robert Dohner,他于北京时间3月23日早7点带来他对金融市场和美联储政策效果等最新解读。预告:3月29日(周日)20:00,浦山讲坛第八期,上海浦山新金融发展基金会理事长、中国金融四十人论坛高级研究员张斌,将为大家带来“刺激政策得与失”讲座,欢迎大家准时收看!
为Robert Dohner在2019年外滩金融峰会上发言。




The fluctuations that we have seen in the past few weeks reflect financial markets trying to come to grips with the likely effects of the most serious global pandemic in over 100 years.  There is a high degree of uncertainty about the spread of Covid-19, how serious its impact will be on the U.S. and global economies, and the speed and effectiveness of policy measures taken to deal with this crisis.  New information – including about proposed policy measures – arrives every day and financial markets react to it.

But large price fluctuations also indicate markets that are under stress and no longer have the depth and liquidity to easily support the desired actions of investors and the reluctance of institutional “market makers” to bear the risks of being willing to either buy or sell in the current, highly uncertain circumstances.  Measures such as the sharply increased spread between bid and ask prices indicate markets that have much less trading depth than before.




This is a far-reaching crisis, and we are entering a global recession as deep as that during the 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis, although with luck and good policy it may not last nearly so long.  As the pandemic spreads around the world, even those countries who have seen their infections peak and economies begin to recover will still be hit by the fall in external demand for their products.

Financial markets are also global, not simply in the fact that asset prices have fallen generally across countries, but also because liquidity strains in one market tend to draw funds from other markets.  U.S. financial markets play a crucial role here, not simply due to the size of the U.S. economy and U.S. markets, but also because of the large volume of offshore dollar credit extended to corporate borrowers outside the United States and the huge role that dollar finance plays in supporting global production chains.  One reassuring sign is that the Federal Reserve has acted quickly to restore central bank dollar swap lines that it extended during the Global Financial Crisis, with little fanfare or domestic political opposition. 




The general fall in asset prices – equities, bonds, Treasury securities, and gold – reflects to some degree panic selling by retail investors seeking to get out of all risk assets, but, more ominously, a spike in liquidity demand when liquidity is in short supply.

There were some market structure reasons for this.  A widespread, and in aggregate quite large trade in which investors purchased Treasuries and sold Treasury futures contracts suddenly became uneconomic, leading to large sales of Treasury securities.  But there has been a more general deleveraging and desire to have cash on hand as the U.S. economy enters a recession of uncertain depth and duration.




Money market mutual funds (mmf) are highly liquid investment funds, usually with constant principal value of $1 per share, that U.S. investors view as a higher-yielding substitute for bank deposits.  U.S. money market funds have about $4 trillion in assets and invest in a variety of short-term obligations, including government bonds, bank certificates of deposit, and commercial paper of companies which use the funds raised to finance their operations.  Money market funds have restrictions on the type and duration of assets they can buy, but don’t have deposit protection that bank deposits do.  Large outflows, such as the over $100 billion withdrawal from prime money market funds last week, not only restrict available credit for borrowers, but also – given mmf’s expectation of safety – heighten anxiety about the safety of financial assets generally.

The Federal Reserve’s Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF) provides a backstop for money market funds, allowing them to meet investor withdrawals, much in the way that a similar facility set up by the Fed supported money market funds during the Global Financial Crisis.  It’s not surprising that the Fed would step in quickly to shore up this part of the financial system. But it is dismaying that, after several reform efforts, money market funds are the source of the same problems as a decade ago.







U.S. Senators and Members of Congress are now discussing a stimulus package of $2 trillion dollars (almost 10 percent of U.S. GDP) in a combination of expenditure, transfers, and lending programs.  This package, along with fiscal policy and U.S. government policy more generally, are right at the center of financial market focus, with big market swings as a package appears to be more or less likely.

Whether the stimulus package is sufficient depends on the size of the economic damage from the pandemic, which is still unknown.  But even more important is the design of package and the overall government response.  This crisis is not like a standard recession or financial crisis, in that a substantial portion of the economy – restaurants, stadiums, concert venues, resorts, etc. -- is being deliberately shut down to slow the spread of the virus.  But the need for income to support families and to make debt payments still remains.

The challenges for policy are to do all that we can to provide health care supplies and facilities and protect health care providers, while trying to slow the outbreak so that the health care system is not overwhelmed.  The coming months will also place great stress on parts of the economy on which we will now all depend -- those producing and distributing food and medicine, utilities and telecommunications, and delivery workers and services.  Keeping these supply lines functioning and maintaining the health of employees who work in these sectors will be critical tasks.

But the unique challenge for policy is to place those parts of the economy that are shutting down as result of self-isolation into a kind of suspended animation through the worst of the pandemic -- minimizing hardship and loss of physical and human capacity, and providing income and credit support to make it through to the other end.

And, at a later point, we will need to decide both when and how to restart the economy. Here, as in dealing with the outbreak of the virus, China may provide valuable lessons for the United States and others as we all deal with this pandemic.






Whatever problems zero interest rates may have caused since the Global Financial Crisis, they are not problems now.  In a world that is increasingly reluctant to absorb risks and make investments for the future it is entirely appropriate that central banks make the largest rate cuts that they can.

The problem is that the starting point for interest rates was so low to begin with.  And, in the current circumstances where economies outside of China are weakening because of shrinking supply as well as inadequate demand, zero interest rates can’t help very much on their own.  

Far more important now are central bank actions to maintain liquidity in markets and support credit provision to the many firms and individuals that will be hit in the next few months.  The Federal Reserve has taken a number of major steps to support liquidity in financial markets, including an open-ended commitment to buy Treasury and mortgage-backed securities announced on Monday (March 23), that will be far more important than the move to zero interest rates.

But central banks are no longer “the only game in town” nor are they now the most important.  This is a time when governments must step up, particularly in the United States and in Europe – through direct aid to individuals, through support of public health – as well as through conventional fiscal spending.





There are a lot of worries to choose from.  I do think we will come up with more effective means of treatment and care, and quite possibly a vaccine in time. But I worry that health care systems may be overwhelmed before then, particularly in poorer countries where public health systems are weak.

Successfully containing the virus will be a particular challenge in the United States, with its strongly individualistic and politically divided culture.  I worry that many in the United States will give up on social distancing policies just at the point at which they might have been effective in limiting the spread of the virus.

Finally, I worry that efforts to deal with the virus will strengthen forces of nationalism and division, rather than spurring international efforts to deal with this global pandemic.  Diseases, economies, and financial markets are all global in nature, and require countries to work together, just as the G-20 countries did a decade ago in dealing with the Global Financial Crisis.



责编:鲁西 视觉:李盼 东子
监制卜海森 李俊虎

