
Men’s Clothes and Items you must know in Chinese

Study Mandarin 2023-08-24

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Nowadays, modern shopping malls can be seen in every Chinese city. Young people in China pay great attention to their appearance and many of them go 买衣服 (mǎi yīfu) on a monthly or even a weekly basis. Well, if you would also like to buy some new clothes, here is your chance to learn how to refer to different types of clothes in Chinese — men’s edition.

Shirt: 衬衫 chènshān

T-Shirt: T恤 t xù – It is a loan word borrowed from the English word “t-shirt”.

Sweater: 毛衣 máoyī

Coat: 外套 wàitào

Coat: 大衣 dàyī - Warmer, fall or winter coats are usually referred to as 大衣 (dàyī). Since 大 (dà) means “big”, the hidden meaning behind this word is that a coat looks big compared to other types of clothes.

The measure word for all the words mentioned above is 件 (jiàn). For example:

一件毛衣 (yī jiàn máoyī) - a sweater

Suit: 西装 xīzhuāng - Suits were introduced to China from western countries, and it is also reflected in the meaning of “西 xī”, which means “west”.

Jeans: 牛仔裤 niúzǎikù - This word is usually associated with American Western movies, in which cowboys can often be seen. 牛仔 (niúzǎi) means “cowboy”, so the literal meaning of “jeans” in Chinese is “cowboy pants”.

Sports pants: 运动裤 yùndòng kù - 运动 (yùndòng) means “sports”, and this word can be interpreted as “trousers that people wear when they do sports”.

Shorts: 短裤 duǎnkù - 短 (duǎn) means “short”, so shorts are literally “short pants” in Chinese.

Trousers, suit pants: 西裤 xīkù

Shoes: 鞋(子) xié(zi)

Leather shoes: 皮鞋 píxié

Sneakers: 运动鞋 yùndòng xíe

The measure word for all kinds of shoes is 双 (shuāng). For example:

三双皮鞋 (sān shuāng pixie) - three pairs of leather shoes

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