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北大法律信息网 北大法律信息网 2020-09-20






Guiding Case No. 107:Sinochem International (Overseas) Pte. Ltd v. ThyssenKrupp Metallurgical Products GmbH (dispute over a contract for the international sale of goods)

(最高人民法院审判委员会讨论通过 2019年2月25日发布)

(Issued on February 25, 2019 as deliberated and adopted by the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court)




Civil; a contract for international sale of goods; United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods; application of law; fundamental breach of contract


Key Points of Judgement:


Where the countries of the parties to a contract for the international sale of goods are contracting countries of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), the provisions of the CISG should preferentially apply. For the content where there are no provisions in the CISG, the law as agreed in the contract shall apply. Where the parties have explicitly excluded the application of the CISG in the contract for international sale of goods, the CISG shall not apply



Legal Provisions:


Article 145 of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China





In the trial of first instance, the Higher People's Court of Jiangsu Province held that in accordance with the relevant provisions of the CISG, the HGI of the petroleum coke provided by Krupp GmbH was far below the standard as agreed in the Contract, resulting in failure to sell such petroleum coke at the domestic market and realize the expected objective when the sale contract was concluded. Therefore, the act of Krupp GmbH constituted fundamental breach of contract. On December 19, 2012, the Higher People's Court of Jiangsu Province entered a Civil Judgment (No. 0004 [2009], First, Civil Division III, HPC, Jiangsu) that: (1) The Purchase Contract concluded by and between Sinochem Pte. Ltd and Krupp GmbH on April 11, 2008 should be declared invalid. (2) Krupp GmbH should, within 30 days after this Judgment came into force, refund the payment for goods of USD2,684,302.9 made by Sinochem Pte. Ltd and pay the interest from September 25, 2008 to the date of payment as determined in this Judgment. (3) Krupp GmbH should, within 30 days after this Judgment came into force, pay Sinochem Pte. Ltd USD520,339.77 as compensation for losses.



Guiding Case No. 108:Zhejiang Longda Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. v. A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S (dispute over a contract for the carriage of goods by sea)

(最高人民法院审判委员会讨论通过 2019年2月25日发布)

(Issued on February 25, 2019 as deliberated and adopted by the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court)




Civil; a contract for the carriage of goods by sea; alteration of contract; alteration of port; withdrawal of goods; right of defense


Key Points of Judgement:




Legal Provisions:


Article 308 of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China





On March 4, 2016, the Ningbo Maritime Court entered a Civil Judgment (No. 534 [2015], First, Commercial Division, Ningbo) that since Longda Company failed to voluntarily take delivery of the goods and adopt other effective measures, the goods involved were auctioned by the Customs and the corresponding risks of damage should be assumed by Longda Company. Therefore, the Ningbo Maritime Court dismissed the claims of Longda Company. After the judgment of first instance was pronounced, Longda Company appealed. On September 29, 2016, the Higher People's Court of Zhejiang Province entered a Civil Judgment (No. 222 [2016], Final, Civil Division, HPC, Zhejiang) that the judgment of first instance should be set aside; and Maersk A/S should, within ten days after this judgment was served, compensate Longda Company USD183,459.49 for damage of goods and the interest thereof. The court of second instance held that in accordance with Article 308 of the Contract Law, Longda Company had the right to claim for alteration of port or withdrawal of goods before Maersk A/S delivered the goods. After Longda Company raised a claim for withdrawal of goods, Maersk A/S neither expressly refused to arrange the withdrawal of goods nor notified Longda Company of handling such goods by itself. Therefore, Maersk A/S should assume the corresponding compensation liability for the damage of the goods involved and the proportion of liability should be determined as 50%. Maersk A/S refused to accept the judgment of second instance and filed an application for retrial with the Supreme People's Court. On December 29, 2017, the Supreme People's Court entered a Civil Judgment (No. 412 [2017], Retrial, Civil Division, SPC) to set aside the judgment of second instance and affirm the judgment of first instance.



Guiding Case No. 109:Anhui Foreign Economic Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. v. Inmobiliaria Palacio Oriental S.A. (dispute over guarantee fraud)

(最高人民法院审判委员会讨论通过 2019年2月25日发布)

(Issued on February 25, 2019 as deliberated and adopted by the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court)




Civil; guarantee fraud; review of underlying transactions; principle of limitation and necessity; independent counter guarantee


Key Points of Judgement:


 Where it is necessary to review the underlying transaction for determination of an independent guarantee fraud, the principle of limitation and necessity should be followed and the review scope should be limited to whether the beneficiary knows that the opposing party of the underlying contract does not breach the contract under the underlying contract and whether the beneficiary knows that it does not have the right of claim for payment.



Legal Provisions:


Articles 8 and 44 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Choice of Law for Foreign-Related Civil Relationships




On April 9, 2014, the Intermediate People's Court of Hefei City, Anhui Province entered a Civil Judgment (No. 00005 [2012], First, Civil Division IV, IPC, Hefei) that: (1) the claim of Oriental S.A. against the performance guarantee (No. G051225) constituted a fraud; (2) Anhui Branch of CCB should terminate the payment of the fund of USD2,008,000 under the bank guarantee (No. 34147020000289) to Bank of Costa Rica; and (3) other claims of AFECC should be dismissed. Oriental S.A. refused to accept the judgment of first instance and appealed. On March 19, 2015, the Higher People's Court of Anhui Province entered a Civil Judgment (No. 00389 [2014], Final, Civil Division II, HPC, Anhui) to dismiss the appeal and affirm the original judgment. Oriental S.A. refused to accept the judgment of second instance and filed an application for retrial with the Supreme People's Court. On December 14, 2016, the Supreme People's Court entered a Civil Judgment (No. 134 [2017], Retrial, Civil Division, SPC) that: (1) the Civil Judgment (No. 00389 [2014], Final, Civil Division II, HPC, Anhui) entered by the Higher People's Court of Anhui Province and the Civil Judgment (No. 00005 [2012], First, Civil Division IV, IPC, Hefei) entered by the Intermediate People's Court of Hefei City, Anhui Province should be set aside; and (2) the claims of AFECC should be dismissed.



Guiding Case No. 110: Nanhai Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport v. Archangelos Investments E.N.E. and Shanghai Representative Office of Hong Kong Andaousen Co., Ltd. (dispute over a salvage contract)

(最高人民法院审判委员会讨论通过 2019年2月25日发布)

(Issued on February 25, 2019 as deliberated and adopted by the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court)




Civil; salvage contract; employed salvage; salvage reward


Key Points of Judgement:


 The International Convention on Salvage 1989 and the Maritime Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Maritime Law”) prescribe the principle of “no cure, no pay” for salvage contracts, but they allow the parties to separately agree on the salvage reward. If the parties explicitly agree that the party salved should pay reward no matter whether the salvage is successful and the input per HP hour and the manual input for the salvage of the salved vessel should serve as the standards for calculating the salvage reward, the contract is an employed salvage contract rather than a salvage contract as prescribed in the aforesaid international convention and the Maritime Law.



Legal Provisions:


Articles 8 and 107 of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China





On March 28, 2014, the Guangzhou Maritime Court entered a Civil Judgment (No. 898 [2012], First, Guangzhou) that: (1) Archangelos Investments should pay the Nanhai Rescue Bureau the salvage reward of CNY6,592,913.58 and the interest thereof; and (2) other claims of the Nanhai Rescue Bureau should be dismissed. Archangelos Investments refused to accept the judgment of first instance and appealed. On June 16, 2015, the Higher People's Court of Guangdong Province entered a Civil Judgment (No. 117 [2014], Final, Civil Division IV, HPC, Guangdong) that: (1) The Civil Judgment (No. 898 [2012], First, Guangzhou) entered by the Guangzhou Maritime Court should be set aside; (2) Archangelos Investments should pay the Nanhai Rescue Bureau the salvage reward of CNY2,561,346.93 and the interest thereof; and (3) other claims of the Nanhai Rescue Bureau should be dismissed. The Nanhai Rescue Bureau refused to accept the judgment of second instance and filed an application for retrial with the Supreme People's Court. On July 7, 2016, the Supreme People's Court entered a Civil Judgment (No. 61 [2016], Retrial, Civil Division, SPC) that: (1) the Civil Judgment (No. 117 [2014], Final, Civil Division IV, HPC, Guangdong) entered by the Higher People's Court of Guangdong Province should be set aside; and (2) the Civil Judgment (No. 898 [2012], First, Guangzhou) entered by the Guangzhou Maritime Court should be affirmed.



Guiding Case No. 111: Liwan Subbranch, Guangzhou Branch of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. v. Guangdong Lanyue Energy Development Co., Ltd. et al. (dispute over issuance of a letter of credit)

(最高人民法院审判委员会讨论通过 2019年2月25日发布)

(Issued on February 25, 2019 as deliberated and adopted by the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court)




Civil; issuance of a letter of credit; bill of lading; true intention; pledge of rights; priority of compensation


Key Points of Judgement:


Whether the holder of a bill of lading obtains the real right due to the delivery of the accepted bill of lading and which type of real right it obtains depend on the contractual stipulations of the parties. When the issuing bank holds the bill of lading in accordance with the contractual stipulations between it and the applicant, the people's court should, in light of the characteristics of the letter of credit transactions, make reasonable interpretation of the contract invovled and determine the true intentions of the issuing bank for holding the bill of lading.



Legal Provisions:


Article 71 of the Maritime Law of the People's Republic of China





On April 21, 2014, the Intermediate People's Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province entered a Civil Judgment (No. 158 [2013], First, Civil Division, IPC, Guangzhou), which supported the claim of Liwan Subbranch of CCB that Lanyue Energy Company should repay the principal and interest and the guarantors should assume the corresponding guarantee liability. However, on the ground that the delivery of the Trust Receipt and the bill of lading could not be used against a third party, the Intermediate People's Court of Guangzhou City rejected the claim of Liwan Subbranch of CCB for confirmation of the coal ownership and the priority of compensation. Liwan Subbranch of CCB refused to accept the judgment of first instance and appealed. On September 19, 2012, the Higher People's Court of Guangdong Province entered a Civil Judgment (No. 45 [2014], Final, Civil Division II, HPC, Guangdong) to dismiss the appeal and affirm the original judgment. Liwan Subbranch of CCB refused to accept the judgment of second instance and filed an application for retrial with the Supreme People's Court. On October 19, 2015, the Supreme People's Court entered a Civil Judgment (No. 126 [2015], Review, Civil Division, SPC), which supported the claim of Liwan Subbranch of CCB that it enjoyed the priority of compensation from the proceeds arising from the disposal of goods in the bill of lading under the L/C involved and dismissed the claim of Liwan Subbranch of CCB that it enjoyed the ownership of the goods under the bill of lading involved.



Guiding Case No. 112:Case of Application for Establishment of the Funds for Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims by Astk Co., Ltd.

(最高人民法院审判委员会讨论通过 2019年2月25日发布)

(Issued on February 25, 2019 as deliberated and adopted by the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court)




Civil; funds for limitation of liability for maritime claims; principle of accidents; one accident; multiple accidents


Key Points of Judgement:


Article 212 of the Maritime Law specifies that the limitation of liability for maritime claims should be governed by the principle of “one quota for one accident and multiple quotas for multiple accidents.” The key to judge one accident or multiple accidents is whether the accidents are arising from the same cause. If multiple accidents are arising from the same cause and the chain of causes is not interrupted, it should be determined as one accident. If the chain of causes is interrupted and another accident occurs, it should be determined that a new and independent accident is formed.


Legal Provisions:


Article 212 of the Maritime Law of the People's Republic of China




On November 10, 2014, the Tianjin Maritime Court entered a civil ruling (No. 1 [2014], Limitation, Tianjin) that: (1) The application of Astk Company for establishing the fund of limitation of liability for maritime claims should be approved. (2) The amount of the fund of limitation of liability for maritime claims should be the SDR of CNY422,510 and the interest thereof (calculated from June 5, 2014 to the date of the establishment of the fund at the benchmark interest rate for loans granted by financial institutions over the same period of time as determined by the People's Bank of China). (3) Astk Company should, within three days after this ruling came into force, establish the fund of limitation of liability for maritime claims with RMB or guarantee recognized by the Court (the RMB amount of the fund should be calculated according to the methods of conversion between the SDR at the effective date of the ruling and RMB). Where the fund was not established within the prescribed time limit, it should be handled as automatic withdrawal of the application. Guo Jinwu and Liu Haizhong refused to accept the ruling of first instance and appealed to the Higher People's Court of Tianjin Municipality. On January 19, 2015, the Higher People's Court of Tianjin Municipality entered a civil ruling (No. 10 [2015], Final, Civil Division IV, HPC, Tianjin) to dismiss the appeal and affirm the original judgment. Guo Jinwu, Liu Haizhong, Li Weiguo, Zhao Laijun, Qi Yongping, Li Jianyong, and Qi Xiukui refused to accept the ruling of second instance and applied for retrial. On August 10, 2015, the Supreme People's Court entered a civil ruling (No. 853 [2015], Petition, Civil Division, SPC) to retry this case and on September 29, 2015, the Supreme People's Court entered a civil ruling (No. 151 [2015], Review, Civil Division, SPC) that: (1) The civil ruling (No. 10 [2015], Final, Civil Division IV, HPC, Tianjin) entered by the Higher People's Court of Tianjin Municipality should be sedt aside. (2) The civil ruling (No. 1 [2014], Limitation, Tianjin) entered by the Tianjin Maritime Court should be set aside. (3) The application of Astk Company for establishing the fund of limitation of liability for maritime claims should be dismissed.





中英文对照版: 全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改《中华人民共和国建筑法》等八部法律的决定



