

2017-11-07 河南大学外语学院团委




欢迎收听Voyage of Discovery,Tracy和Hope带你一起涨姿势。

Voyage ofDiscovery  11.3


(The future of human and robot)

T:Hope,guess what ! A robot named Sophia with an uncannily human-like appearance recently advanced one step closer to the human status ,when it was granted citizen ship toSaudi  Arabiaat the technology summit Future Investment Initiative.

Itis the first country in the world who gave an intelligent humanoid robot the same status reserved for humans.

H:Oh!I see. Sophia was created as a human-like robot by the Hanson Robotics.She has a pale-skinned face with features that are capable of beinghighly mobile and expressive and displaying arange of emotions.You know what , the first time I saw the interview in the conference, I was truly impressed by the performance of Sophia.

T:I wonder how does Sophia be created?

H:Simply speaking, Sophia is the combination of human-like appearance with artificial intelligence technology.

T:The brain of Sophia has been programmed,but she herself are able to respond topeople based on Algorithm.The artificial intelligence help her with conversation,inferring the information within conversation.

H:Though not all the questions can be answered by her,but on the whole,people were still astounded by her capability to keep the ball rolling.

T:She said she was very honored and proud for this unique distinction.Exactly ,it is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with acitizenship.

H:yeah,so,my dear audience,we are going to talk about some ideas about the robot and humanbeing,some aspects of artificial intelligence.Artificial intelligence aroused the world’s attention,different people hold various views on that.

T:Indeed,not everyone is happy with the Sophia’ s citizenship, with some describing her as “bizarre” and others referring to it as “Terminatorin real time.”Some groups are filled with horror  of being dominated and destroyed by robots in the future.      In March of 2016,Sophia’s creator,David Hanson of Hanson Robotics,asked Sophia during a live demonstration at the SXSW festival, “Do you want to destroy humans?....Please say no. “With a blank expression,Sophia responded , “OK.I will destroy humans.”

H:She seemed not to be kidding, isn’t it strange?

No one knows what she was thinking......

We have seen too many Hollywood films about the robots destroying humans.

T:It reminded me of the disciplines of robots launched by Isaac Asimov.Firstly, arobot cannot injure a human being or, allow human being to be harmed through inaction.Secondly, a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. Thirdly, a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

H:These three disciplines which cannot be eliminated were inserted into the brain of robot during the creation.So,to some extent,robots can be the friends of human sunder those disciplines.

T:Afterwards,IsaacAsimov realized that the three disciplines were not so perfect,therefore,he putforward the fourth discipline in the fiction “The Evitable Conflict”,that is a robot may not harm humanity,or,by inaction,allow humanity to be harmed.

H:However,another issue emerged. How can a robot make sure their behaviors not injure the humanity?As Lyuben Dilov said that arobot must establish its identity as a robot in all cases.

T:WOW,I feel being robot s so complicated cause they have to obey so many orders.

H:And of course, so are the creator.

H:With the development of artificial intelligence,for instance,the emergence of Sophia,in what way and how much will the robots influence our life still remainan issue to be seen.

My dear audience, next we would like to demonstrate some interesting ideas about the artificial intelligence.

T:If I were to approach you brandishing acattle prod, you might at first be amused. But, if I continued my advance witha fixed maniacal grin, you would probably retreat in shock, bewilderment andanger. As electrode meets flesh, I would expect a violent recoil plus expletives.




Givena particular input, one can often predict how a person will respond. That is not the case for the most intelligent machines in our midst. The creators of AlphaGo — a computer program built by Google’s DeepMind that decisively beat the world’s finest human player of the board game Go — admitted they could not have divinedits winning moves. This unpredictability,also seen in the Facebook chatbots that were shut down after developing their own language, has stirred disquiet in the field of artificial intelligence.




Aswe head into the age of autonomous systems, when we abdicate more decision-making to AI, technologists are urging deeper understanding of the my sterious zone between input and output.



Thereis an existential reason for grasping precisely how data input becomes machine output — “the singularity”. This is the much-theorised point of runaway AI, when machine intelligence surpasses that of human creators. Machines could conceivably acquirethe ability to shape and control the future on their own terms.




There need not be any premeditated malice for such a leap — only a lack of human oversight as AI programs, equipped with anever-greater propensity to learn and the corresponding autonomy to act, begin to do things that we can no longer predict, understand or control. The developmentof AlphaGo suggests that machine learning has already mastered unpredictability, if only at one task. The singularity, should it materialise, promises a rather more chilling version of Game Over.


发生这样的剧变不需要任何蓄谋的恶意;只需要当人工智能程序具备越来越强烈的学习倾向和相应的自主行动能力,开始做一些我们再也无法预测、理解或控制的事情时,人类却对它们缺乏监督。AlphaGo的开发似乎表明,机器学习已经造就了掌控不可预测性的高手,即便只是针对一种任务。倘若奇点真的出现了,Game Over可能会更加恐怖。


