

环球科学 2023-06-18

The following article is from 科研圈 Author 领研网


迷幻药也能用于治疗 @Unsplash






但事实上,早在1970年代,它就被用于治疗目的。1968年,迷幻化学家亚历山大·舒尔金(Alexander Shulgin)在美国旧金山湾区重新合成了MDMA。舒尔金在1976年亲自尝试过它,并把它介绍给了他的一些治疗师朋友,MDMA因此在湾区的治疗师中传播开来,而这些治疗师又把它传播到了美国其他地区甚至是其他国家。




关于使用MDMA治疗严重PTSD的研究则要多得多。有一个致力于推动MDMA研究的非营利组织,名为多学科迷幻药研究协会(Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies,MAPS),到目前为止,他们已经资助了几个大型的后期临床试验,使用MDMA来治疗PTSD,其中一项试验已于2021年5月完成,相关成果发表在《自然-医学》Nature Medicine杂志上。

试验中,90名患有严重PTSD的患者被随机分配到接受MDMA或安慰剂的实验组和对照组,两组患者在接受训练有素的治疗师的治疗之前和之后,还进行了几次谈话治疗。领导这项试验的研究人员之一、精神病学家迈克尔·米索弗(Michael Mithoefer)说:“接受MDMA加治疗的人中,88%的人PTSD症状得到了有意义的改善,而单独接受治疗的人中有60%得到了改善。”米索弗从事MDMA辅助治疗PTSD的临床研究已超过20年。



MDMA Moves from Club Drug to Real Therapy

Josh Fischman: Today, we’re talking about MDMA. It’s a well-known party drug. But it is also showing real promise for treating intractable PTSD —flashbacks, depression, and other symptoms that recur long after a traumatic event. And it might help other conditions too. The medication could soon be headed for FDA approval.

Tanya Lewis: Just a quick disclaimer: MDMA is currently an illegal drug. Although we’ll be talking about its potential therapeutic applications, we are not condoning or advocating its use.

Lewis: Josh, what do you know about MDMA?

Fischman: Well, I know it got a reputation as a party drug in the 1980s, making people feel excited and giddy. That’s when it got the nicknames Ecstasy and Molly. But before that, some psychiatrists were using it during talk therapy. They thought it helped patients open up in sessions.

Lewis: Yeah, that’s the gist of it. MDMA is a psychoactive drug with both stimulant and mood-enhancing effects. It appears to act by flooding the brain with the neurotransmitter serotonin, producing feelings of euphoria and affection.

But that’s definitely not what it was invented for. In 1912 the pharmaceutical giant Merck was trying to develop a blood-clotting agent.

They came up with [three-four METHUH-LEEN-DIOXY-METHAMPHETAMINE] 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

Fischman: No wonder they called it MDMA.

Lewis: Right? And thank you so much to our show’s producer, Jeff DelViscio, for forcing me to say it…

But… moving on….

Merck did some early experiments with MDMA in animals, but ended up shelving it because the chemicals needed to synthesize it were too expensive.

But years later, when it was given to humans, the drug was found to have certain…other properties. That’s why it became a party drug.

[CLIP “This is your brain on drugs”]

But in fact it was used for therapy purposes as early as the 1970s.

Rachel Nuwer: MDMA was resynthesized in 1968 by the psychedelic chemist Alexander Shulgin, in the Bay Area. Shulgin tried it himself in 1976, for sure. He introduced it to some therapist friends of his who spread it among all these Bay Area therapists, who in turn spread it broader outside into the United States and even other countries.

Lewis: That’s Rachel Nuwer, a science journalist, author and frequent Scientific American contributor. She recently wrote a book on MDMA called “I FEEL LOVE: MDMA and the Quest for Connection in a Fractured World.”

Nuwer: And it really became this favorite therapeutic catalyst that a bunch of professionals were using, but it's also a drug that makes you feel good. And inevitably, it escaped from the therapist's office, as people like to say, onto the dance floor in the early 1980s.

Lewis: The U.S. government declared MDMA a Schedule I drug, meaning it has no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. And that made it a lot harder to do research on or get funding for.

Nuwer: It is, like, really worth emphasizing that this started as a therapeutic drug, always paired with psychotherapy. And you know, back in the late 70s, and early 80s, scientists were starting to do some studies about it. And they were finding evidence that it could help with everything from couples counseling to substance use disorders to trauma.

Fischman: Couples counseling is kind of a weird use, compared with trauma disorders and other stuff, isn’t it?

Lewis: Yeah it is strange—but there are stories about couples on the brink of divorce who had tried everything else and nothing worked, yet MDMA helped them reconnect. But there’s not a lot of research to back up the anecdotes.

There’s much more research on using MDMA to treat severe PTSD.

So, there's this one group that has been a real mover in the MDMA research space. It's called the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, or MAPS.

It's a nonprofit, and so far, they've funded a couple of large, late-stage clinical trials using MDMA to treat PTSD. One of these trials finished in May 2021.

Fischman: How were these tests designed?

Lewis: 90 patients with severe PTSD were randomly assigned to receive either MDMA or a placebo. Both groups also had several talk therapy sessions before and afterward with a trained therapist.

Fischman: What did they find out? Did the drug work?

Lewis: So I talked to one of the researchers who led the trial.

Michael Mithoefer: … 88 percent of people receiving MDMA plus the therapy had meaningful improvement in their PTSD symptoms, versus 60 percent who had improvement with the therapy alone.

Lewis: That’s Michael Mithoefer, a psychiatrist. He’s been doing clinical research on MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD for more than two decades.

Mithoefer: And then in terms of losing the PTSD diagnosis, the therapy plus MDMA was 67 percent of people no longer meeting the criteria for a PTSD diagnosis versus 32 percent in the therapy-only group.

Fischman: Those are pretty impressive results, especially for people who’ve struggled with PTSD for years while other treatments have failed them. It makes me wonder why this drug worked so well. What do the researchers think?

Lewis: Some scientists think...[full transcript]


Mitchell, J.M., Bogenschutz, M., Lilienstein, A. et al. MDMA-assisted therapy for severe PTSD: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 study. Nat Med 27, 1025–1033 (2021).

DOI: 10.1038/s41591-021-01336-3



不再漏掉任何一次新知 plus 练耳的机会~

