
报告 | 2016年世界互联网发展乌镇报告(中英文对照版—下)

2016-11-19 CGi 网络空间治理创新


本文内容承接《2016年世界互联网发展乌镇报告(中英文对照版—上) 》!


IV. Cybersecurity has emerged as a major challenge and the international community actively responds to it.


●Many countries and territories have strengthened cyber security strategic design. In 2016, many countries and territories published or updated their cyber security strategies. They issued rules and laws, set up specific agencies, improved working mechanisms, pushed forward cyber security awareness campaigns and education, fostered cyber security culture and strengthened capacity building and international cooperation.


●The protection of critical ICT infrastructure and data has come to the focus of the international community’s attention. Governments have put the protection of the critical ICT infrastructure on top of their national security priority list. They published related policies and standards, and launched special operations in an effort to step up their critical infrastructure protection. All parties have paid high attention to developing data protection standards, exploring regulations of trans-border data flow and sharing best practices.


●The international community has pro-actively responded to cybercrime and cyberterrorism. Cybercrime and cyberterrorism have been recognized as a grave challenge to the global peace and security. Many governments, through international judicial and security cooperation mechanisms, are now committed to an effective combat against cybercrime and cyberterrorism, keen to ensure that technology, communication and resources are not used for criminal or terrorist purposes, and eradication of possibilities for spreading terrorism and extremist ideology in cyberspace. A significant progress has been made in establishing the framework for a bilateral and multilateral cooperation in combat against cybercrime. 


V. International governance of the cyberspace makes progress, new developments are expected.


●The international dialogue on rules for cyberspace broadened. The first meeting of Fifth UNGGE focused on norms of state behavior in cyberspace, and the application of international law to the use of ICTs, and confidence building measures, thereby signaling a promising start. The Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) delivered the “Tashkent Declaration,” which also agreed to formulate standards, principles and rules governing responsible state behaviors in cyberspace under the UN framework. Many international bodies and mechanism including G20, OECD, BRICS, and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) also developed cooperation to ensure the cyberspace stability together. 


●The international community promoted the improvement of Internet governance systems. More countries emphasized the need to respect the right of states to equal participation in the global Internet governance process and pleaded to build a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative Internet governance order based on the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and non-interference in others states’ internal affairs. In 2016, the WSIS and the IGF launched their new 10-year program supporting inclusive and sustainable development as the governance theme. The G20 Hangzhou Summit stated that Internet governance should abide by the principles declared by the WSIS, which encourage governments, private sector, civil society, technology groups, academia and international organizations to fully and actively participate in Internet governance according to their respective roles and responsibilities. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the World Economic Forum (WEF) and other international platforms have continuously addressed Internet development and governance. After the transition of the IANA function stewardship, further internationalization of ICANN is expected by all parties.

●国际社会持续致力于儿童在线保护。国际社会高度重视有害信息对未成年人的影响,制定行动计划,推动各方参与,开通投诉热线,开展国际合作,有效打击网上儿童色情,治理网络欺凌等。第二届“儿童在线保护”(We Protect)全球论坛上,41个参会国共同签署联合行动声明。

●The international community makes consistent efforts in protecting children and youth online. The international community deems the challenge of mitigation of negative impacts of harmful information on children and the youth as one of the gravest ones. Many nations have taken a bold action in this regard, including development of action plans, encouragement of cross-community participation, and established channels for an effective information exchange and carried on collaborative efforts to effectively crack down on online child pornography and bullying. During the second WePROTECT Children Online Summit, 41 representatives of countries signed a joint action statement. 


Looking ahead

2016年11月16日至18日,以“创新驱动 造福人类——携手共建网络空间命运共同体”为主题的第三届世界互联网大会在中国浙江乌镇召开,中国国家主席习近平通过视频发表讲话,中共中央政治局常委刘云山在大会开幕式作了主旨演讲,来自全球的110多个国家和地区、16个国际组织的1600名嘉宾共聚一堂展望互联网发展前景。我们,大会高级别专家咨询委员会委员认为,今后一段时间,全球互联网发展和治理将呈现如下趋势:

The 3rd World Internet Conference with the focus on the overarching theme “Innovation- driven Internet Development for the Benefit of All- Building a Community of Common Future in Cyberspace” was held on 16-18 November 2016 in the town of Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, China. President Xi Jinping addressed the gathering via video, and Mr. Liu Yunshan, Member of Standing Committee of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, delivered a keynote presentation at the opening ceremony. Over 1600 representatives from more than 110 countries and territories, and 16 international organizationshad a chance for extensiveand unrestricted discussions on Internet development prospects. Taking stock of fruitful debates, we, the HAC Members, suggest that the global Internet development and the Internet governance process will feature the following trends:


1. Developing countries will maintain an impressive momentum. While digital dividends are increasingly available to everyone, the digital divide is still an issue that deserves and has attracted much attention, thereby helping fulfill the goals set in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


2. Cultural exchanges in cyberspace are becoming more frequent, the Internet culture will increasingly thrive, and there will be more understanding and respect for cultural diversity.


3. Many countries will continue to pay high attention to cybersecurity and to make generally accepted international Internet rules on the basis of respecting national sovereignty in cyberspace, while recognizing the need for cooperation and agreement based on the UN Charter and international law and fundamental principles of international relations and international cyberspace matters. International norms and regulations will become the common aspiration of international society.

4、多边参与、多方参与将成为互联网治理常态,政府、国际组织、互联网企业、技术社群、民间机构、科研院校、公民个人等各个主体积极作为,共同推动 “共享、共治”的务实合作进一步深化,为实现互联网的可持续发展做出实质性贡献。

4. Multilateral and multi-parties participation will become the norm for Internet governance. Governments, international organizations, Internet companies, technology communities, civil organizations, academia, and individuals will all take positive actions to safeguard and promote deepening pragmatic cooperation on building the Internet shared and governed by all, and together contribute to its sustainable development.


5. The international communication and cooperation on cybersecurity and Internet governance will become one of the most popular topics worldwide. More international organizations and mechanisms will play different roles in promoting global Internet development and governance.


The Internet has arisen as a common homeland for the humankind and we hope that the international community’s natural strive for collaboration in the unique exercise ofbuilding a community of common destiny in cyberspace. That requires enhanced communication, strengthened international cooperation, promotion of creativity and innovation, joint efforts to bolster the Internet infrastructure and improve connectivity, fostering cultural exchanges on the Internet, a new degree of  openness and development of  the digital economy, maintaining peace and progress in the cyberspace, building an equitable and sound Internet governance system and driving connectivity, sharing and common governance in the cyberspace, will make the Internet benefit the entire world, and create new developments for the future of human beings.

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