
SISU STORIES | 上外外籍教师马晓宇:对上海有“真感情”,“没担忧”

SISU 上海外国语大学 2023-01-01

在接受《环球时报》记者采访时,上海外国语大学东方语学院外教马晓宇(Mahmoud  Soliman)展现出了隔离生活中的积极态度,在社区当志愿者,居家健身、练腹肌……同时,对于上海采取的封控措施,他表示没有担忧。他相信,只要一起努力,通力合作,新冠肺炎疫情一定会过去。

以下报道编选自《环球时报》(Global Times

作者邢晓婧 樊巍 单劼 胡雨薇 冯羽


来自埃及开罗的马晓宇(Mahmoud Soliman)在上海外国语大学获得博士学位以后,留在东方语学院阿拉伯语系担任外教,在上海生活了5年多。在接受《环球时报》记者采访时,马晓宇说,上海是一座国际化大都市,充满包容性。虽然他的根在埃及,但在上海结交了很多中国和其他国家的朋友,他对上海有“真感情”。











Shanghai expats find creative ways to boost morale, bond with locals in Omicron fight

Mahmoud Soliman, an Egyptian national teaching interpretation (translation) and Arabic at the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), told the Global Times that he began to understand the profundity of Chinese culture better through interactions with his neighbors and the local community in the latest fight against the coronavirus disease.

Mahmoud appreciated the free food and snacks received from his neighbors as he didn't prepare too much food before the lockdown. "I now understand the meaning of the Chinese characters of "friend"  (pengyou) much better. "Peng" is composed of two moons, and in ancient Chinese Hieroglyphs, the character looks like the character of meat. "You" is made up of two people standing hand in hand. During the lockdown, friendship is vividly expressed in the way described in the Chinese character of friends (or even strangers) and how they share meat and other food, and stand hand in hand." 

His five-year stay in Shanghai made him love and integrate into this inclusive and dynamic international city, he said. 

Concerning the foreign media's criticism of Shanghai's the current dynamic zero-COVID policy in Shanghai, Mahmoud said that those people who don't live and work in Shanghai and China can't understand the true meaning and significance of China's "people first, life first" anti-epidemic principle. "Based on China's huge population, the country needs to cherish the life of every individual, be they young or old. Only when collective health is guaranteed, can China achieve stability, development, and prosperity. I would say other countries should learn from China at this point to fight against the virus and safeguard people's lives."

Mahmoud emphasized that "The Chinese dabai (volunteers in white uniform) made pivotal contributions to the anti-virus efforts, they deserve respect, and their efforts and spirit of sacrifice should be emulated by other countries in the world."

"If I can only use one word to conclude the experience and feelings I've had during the lockdown, it must be the Chinese character '您' (nin), it's the honorific you. You can see that it's you in my heart. That's the sincere thanks and tribute I'd give to the volunteers and all those who are helping combat the virus," Mahmoud told the Global Times, "I also joined the volunteer team in my neighborhood, but even SISU didn't know as in Egypt, we also encourage people to do good deeds without telling others. I help distribute food and other necessities to residents. I'm glad to lend a hand."

Mahmoud said that although he missed all the delicious food and snack and convenient delivery services before the lockdown, he enjoyed the current "healthier" lifestyle as he has to prepare food by himself. As a teacher, he misses his students a lot, "so long as they ask me to communicate with them, I gladly share my lockdown life with them and encourage them to do more indoor exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle under lockdown. I make videos of my lockdown life and share them with my students, and I hope they help."

"The first thing I would do once the lockdown is lifted is to meet my students in SISU's Songjiang campus," Mahmoud said. 

“我是外国人 但绝不是外人大家同舟共济,共同战胜疫情”

来源 | 环球时报 Global Times、对外合作交流处

编辑 | 龚炎华

责编 | 钱俊妮、李磊、顾忆青




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