

Antonio Santiago 前端早读课 2019-12-16


URLSearchParams可以了解一下。本期英文由@Antonio Santiago分享。


No matter if you work with JavaScript at client or server side, at some point you'll need to work with urls and its query params.

As example, I'm currently using react-router in my project, which is an great tool. I can define dynamic routes with path params and easily react-router returns me these params within the match variable and the rest of url information in the location variable, but how can I easily access to query params?

There are great libraries for this purpose -like query-string or qs- but the question is: why increase in some more bytes the size of your package when there is a native solution? 😄 The URLSearchParams.

Detect feature support

As all native implementation remember the support depends on the browser version. See compatibilities here. We can check it with:

  1. if(window.URLSearchParams) {

  2. // Support :)

  3. }

Construct an instance

The most typical usage is to build an URLSearchParams instance from a query string. Note it is also valid to pass a string that start with ?, the URLSearchParams will strip it out:

  1. constparams= newURLSearchParams('version=1&name=john&lastname=nieve')

  2. // or

  3. constparams= newURLSearchParams('?version=1&name=john&lastname=nieve')

🤓 Be aware to not pass string url! Or it will be interpreted as the parameter name. For example, given:

  1. constparams= newURLSearchParams('https://some_api.com?paramA=valueA')

You'll get the three parameters named: https://some_api.com?paramA with value valueA.

Working with params

Once we have an instance it is easy to get or set the parameters values:

  1. params.get('version') // 1

  2. params.get('name') // john

  3. params.get('name') // john

  4. params.set('lastname', 'stark')

  5. params.get('lastname') // stark

  6. params.has('lastname') // true

  7. params.has('age') // false

We can also add new parameters and work with array parameters:

  1. params.set('tags', 'bastard')

  2. params.append('tags', 'lord')

  3. params.get('tags') // bastard

  4. params.getAll('tags') // ['bastard', 'lord']

Note the difference between get and getAll when working with array parameters.

Or simply delete params:

  1. params.delete('lastname')

Finally we can convert the URLSearchParams back into a string with the:

  1. params.toString() // version=1&name=john&tags=bastard&tags=lord

Working with URLs

If we have an URL string the easy way to get the params is using the URL object:

  1. const url = new URL('https://got-api.com?version=1&name=john&lastname=nieve');

  2. constparams= newURLSearchParams(url.search);

  3. params.toString() // version=1&name=john&lastname=nieve

关于本文 作者:@Antonio Santiago 原文:https://www.acuriousanimal.com/blog/2019/11/09/urlsearchparams/




