
SISU | 言聚心声:多语欧盟专题展览 @ 上外

上海外国语大学 语言与未来 2022-04-24







主办:上海外国语大学、欧盟委员会 口译总司 / 笔译总司


United in Diversity

Multilingualism in the European Union Bringing People Together through Language

Special Exhibition

Museum of World Languages, 

Shanghai International Studies University

Sponsor DG Interpretation / Translation, European Commission

Shanghai International Studies University (SISU)

Host  Office of University Communications, SISU

Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation, SISU

China Center for Language Planning and Policy Studies, SISU




- 开幕式 -

日期:2021年9月17日 - 周五

时间:15:30 (GMT+8) 上海 / 09:30 (GMT+2) 布鲁塞尔









The exhibition from the European Commission’s linguistic services (Directorates General for Interpretation and Translation - DG SCIC and DGT) proposes to take the visitor on a journey through the development of multilingualism in the EU, from the earliest days of European integration through to the present day. It will highlight the role multilingualism plays in promoting the values of inclusion, solidarity and non-discrimination which are so essential to the European Union and which are reflected in its motto: “United in Diversity”.

With its 27 Member States, 450 million citizens and 24 official languages, the European Union is a living example of multilingualism at work. All EU citizens have the right to communicate with the EU institutions in their own language and all EU laws are translated into the 24 official languages of the Union, to ensure they are accessible to all. It is through multilingualism that the Union’s myriad cultures, traditions and languages are expressed.

The exhibition shows how the translation and interpretation services of the European Institutions make multilingualism possible, how they developed from a relatively small part of the institutional make-up of the EU to the highly professional, future-oriented services they are today.

It also shows how multilingualism underpins our international cooperation activities. DG SCIC’s cooperation with China dates back to 1979, and the EUCITP programme, set up in 1985 to allow young officials from Chinese ministries to spend up to 5 months in Brussels learning how to be an interpreter, now boasts over 500 alumni. DG SCIC also works with universities in China. Cooperation with SISU’s Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT) dates back to 2003, with SCIC officials attending final and mid-point exams. Over the years, some 120 students of conference interpreting programme have successfully graduated from the Institute.

Finally, the exhibition will take a look at some of the challenges and opportunities of the future, to see how the time-honoured professions of translation and interpretation can remain fit for purpose in the globalised world of the 21st century.


学者观点 ∣ 朱晔:《剑桥语言政策手册》述评

学者观点 ∣ 叶小燕、高健:家庭语言政策研究述评

2021推普周 | 9月12日至18日, 将主要开展这些活动~

学者观点 | 卢军:柬埔寨国家高棉语理事会工作新进展

学者观点 | 陈旦娜:西班牙在非洲的语言传播


新中国第一部《新编英汉学习词典》| 梅德明:专为中国学习者编写的多功能英汉词典

视频 | 董嘉骐 杨红

摄影 | 周旭阳

平面 | 赵耀

美编 | 周洲

编审 | 赵耀




